Major Issue w/ Zagara Masteries

What’s wrong with P1? You just make a bunch of cheap units, get a bunch of free units, and just keep sending them in to you win? Maybe get a few upgrades along the way.

Not ideal for a few maps; miner evacuation comes to mind. But it’s really strong even with unideal masteries.

2/3 of the mastery tree doesn’t apply during P1

You don’t have Zagara during P1 and 2/3 of the masteries buff zagara

so 66% of her mastery tree is useless at P1

That is untrue post patch. …though I do believe it is still bugged

Did they change her mastery tree in the past couple weeks? I havent played co op

They did, there was a huge prestige patch and Zag’s masteries got moved around…but they’re bugged. Baneling damage was moved to tier 3, but still pulls it’s points from tier 2

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P1 doesn’t really need the masteries though. Just send in lings, banes, and scourage till you win. It’s stronger than many other commanders / prestiges with mastery,

it is on Blizzard’s known issues post, so it is on their rader.

Yeah, I know, peeps keep posting about it. :joy:


Oh did they?

I didn’t check. I didn’t play.

But I sure as heck will come back to forum and argue about it after 2+ weeks. Ahaha hahahah. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Whats the difference between legitimate criticism and whining, platinum noob?

Here’s the information. You are encourageable.

  • Mastery order has been adjusted:
    • Set 1: Zagara Damage vs. Zagara and Queen Life and Energy Regeneration
    • Set 2: Zergling Evasion vs Intensified Frenzy
    • Set 3: Baneling damage vs Roach Drop damage

And get your arrogance outta here.

Also, btw, it’s bugged. So check the bug report forum. And continue to troll some more, after learning about it again.

incorrigible platinum noob

Dang, you got me. :clap:

Must be that mysterious ladder magic u have.

one must develop a large vocabulary to constantly whine

Sorry I fed your trolling. I’ll stop. You win lol.


just dont call it whining man

when your favorite character has 2/3 of her masteries useless it kinda sucks

wanting to get that changed isn’t whining

I hate that so many people have come to dismiss legitimate criticism as ‘whining’, its silly

its like our entire culture writes off whole ideas with one word

Oh you have a critique of something in the game? get good and stop whining noob

Oh you think our economy could be run better? get a job and stop being poor

Oh you don’t think the border should be flooded with illegals? stop being a racist

Oh you don’t like some tenants of certain religious ideologies? stop being a bigot

oh you think there might be legitimate reasons to dislike Israel? stop being an anti-semite

oh you don’t think homosexuality should be encouraged? stop being a homophobe

oh you think the police sometimes are in the right? stop being a bootlicker

oh you think the police are something in the wrong? stop being a cophater

oh you think women should behave modestly? stop being an incel

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Does Zagara P3 affect Roach Drop cool down?

Want to know if it would make getting the roach drop kills in one mission achievement easier?

I agree.
In regards to this issue though, does anyone know if anyone at blizz cares at all or what?
It’s been idk how many months since prestiges came out, and Zag still has mastery points mixed up and half of all her choices are worthless.
It would be a simple sloppy fix to just separate bane damage and ling evasion, that way you can at least use all your mastery points in a useful way.

It would be a bit op imo, but the choice to either buff zag or her army in each mastery choice could be a decent enough way to go. Maybe nerf bane damage and ling evasion by a bit to keep it playable.

Lmao, another dramatic one. Prestige came out 1.5mon ago… “how many months” lol.

Yes, it is on a 120s cooldown. Achievement should be easy to get if you put points into Roach Damage and Life.