Lowko making yet another video to make fun of the forums

Blizzard should not allow streamers to make fun of players for expressing their opinions. Also, he keeps contradicting himself by saying people on the forums are a bunch of whiners while he keeps whining about protoss on his streams.

Finally, he says terran players are whiners and are the whiniest but thats actually false. Protoss players are by far the whiniest, followed closely by zergs. Terran speak out because they are tired of getting destroyed by ridiculously imbalanced race.


You want to be mentioned in his video dont you?


Who cares what he thinks, he’s a 3rd rate player with 4th rate mechanics.


Its true terran is weak as i’ve proved in my quest. But this is kinda ridiculous… Also zerg might be even weaker than terran.

You didnt prove anything did you? You had 5-6 wins to losses at 3600? If anything you proved is that your game sense is not that bad. Which means you can easily improve your terran. Just stop thinking you are maru and overmicro your units. Gosh. This is literally the first thing i say to anyone who is like 3k mmr and wants help. Stop thinking and stop microing. You are garbage. Your opponent is garbage. Just do the usual macro things you are supposed to. More stuff will always beat less stuff.


Just try get hype out on this video

No, no, he is right on the money with that one.


I like when Lowko makes fun of the forums, everyone should enjoy the funposting we create here.


Isn’t the zerg whiner only one single person.

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Derpko has just confirmed that he was extremely triggered by a CHAD republican version of him. I guess all that manliness was way too much for him to handle. And nobody with a brain thought it was him. He’s just extremely insecure it would seem ROFL.


Meh, I just got banned week ago for expressing my opinion about ultralisk. I made a clear, very friendly and detailed video for it and my thread was taken down 15 minutes later and I got instant ban. There goes our “chance of expressing balance opinions on a balance discussion forum” or whatever its called. And this happened 1 day before april fools. Come on… Why they banned me right before 1st of april… :frowning: That was rude move. I just wanted to do a ultra joke on that day.

I feel like Lowko is a bit duplicitous and toxic, honestly. A lot of the sc2 community has that problem imo.


When he says that he doesn’t post on the forums I pressed “X” to doubt. When reading one of my posts, I used the word “pine” and he didn’t have to google it to figure out what it meant. Most native English speakers wouldn’t know. It seems he already knew. He’d probably read it before. He also uses a lot of phrases common to these forums but rare elsewhere. He’s also selective on what posts he chooses to highlight and seems to have insight into insider jokes. And he goes out of his way to explain that he doesn’t post, which begs the question of why he feels the need to emphasize the fact that he isn’t associated with the forums AS HE SITS THERE READING THEM. I am personally convinced he is an active poster on these forums and have a pretty good idea which accounts are his.


A youtuber is still making videos where he cries about a few forum posts that triggered him which took 15 seconds to make. It’s obvious he’s an ivory tower liberal. He plays a video game for a living for pete’s sake and can’t identify satire/sarcasm and gets extremely offended over jokes. Making a republican parody of him was bound to make him bust a gasket LOL.


Lowko’s no role model either, but republicans are incredibly ineffectual at best.

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I have no political affiliation. I just know what buttons to press to get a good laugh. People need to lighten their mood.


Hey! Looks like I am in the video!

My raven seeker thread.

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Too bad he doesn’t go over the posts where I call him a scammer (I don’t watch, but I doubt). If it wasn’t for lying and being a narcissist, he would have ended up doing something else, cause no one would have cared, otherwise. Gotta hand it to them, though, they’re passionate. It almost makes you think if someone cares enough about winning to hack, then maybe they deserve it…

By now, everyone should have learned that every streamer in this scene, besides maybe 1 or 2 are from the same rotten/scummy tree. They have absolutely not made the scene any better. The last person of genuine value who deserved to be idolized was Day. How long ago was that? Day helped grow this game and educate people. The left over streamers just take adv of everyone and kill the scene even more, if anything. Blood suckers. We should almost be out of blood by now.


I mean he’s not going to highlight any strong points against him. He will pick and choose the posts that fit his narrative. He’s basically an actor.

I dunno. He comes across as very low energy and disingenuous to me.

Dude he’s turning to the forum to try to create content. That shows how desperate he is to keep his youtube channel afloat. He probably doesn’t know what he’s going to do with his life after SC2 dies and he becomes a irrelevant. How you gonna pay the bills when you shout at a camera for a living? My guess is that that isn’t a very useful talent in the real world.

He needs to sign up for a trade school ASAP. I can recommend him to a much bigger youtuber that can offer some excellent life advice: Mike Row.

It’s just going to be a heluva shock to go from making money while you sleep from recordings of you playing games to spending 8 hours a day at the metal mill LOL.


I’ve always wondered if he got his “don’t forget to smile thing” from me. I never really watched him, though, but I know I used to always give him grief for just scamming and smiling, and I’d make that comment about as long as you remember to smile you can get away with anything, and they will call you a nice guy.

Being stuck in masters 3 for at least 25 seasons in a row and having the gall to make people think you’re the number 1 coach and even a top 20 GM… that’s a different type of human being.