Lowko agree withs me that BC warp is OP

Only a person with philosophical background can use that terminology. That demonstrates that Starcraft is a very serious thing when people with all kinds of backgrounds are interested in it.

TBH anyone who paid attention for more than 30 min in an introductory lecture of philosophy will be familiar with it.

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I know, no argument about that. Ontology to Philosophy is like Algebra to Mathematics. My point is that in order for someone to incorporate that term in his casual vocabulary, more than 30 minutes of Philosophy is required.
My post was intended as a compliment.

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For sure we are gonna need some proof, I watch Neuro’s stream ‘‘often’’, and I never saw him raging or salty, when someone says something rude to him, sometimes he will make some sarcastic/funny comment,will smile and everything will end there. He seems to be so nice that many times I wondered if he is some kind of roleplayer because I know he is into acting and he always has been extremely polite so him being salty.

He is a ‘‘public’’ figure, streaming is his job, impersonating is not allowed by Blizzard, he is right on asking for a ban when some person tries to impersonate him, specially if it’s a dumb american talking about politics and polemic stuff.

You can’t act like an idiot and when someone makes a move say that they are salty, that’s a childish behaviour that should be stopped.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

LUL, you said it all in the first quotation. Those “people” have this MO (Modus Operandi) be it in the level of posters in a Game Forum, be the Top of their Government messing with the whole Planet. It’s in their National-DNA.

Terran here

I also believe that Tactical Jump is stupid. In TvT most low league terrans are straight up BC rushing. Personally i believe it would be better for BC to remove tactical jump and compensate it with
a) BC speed upgrade
b) improve production time (tech reactor from WOL campaign ?)

Currently the biggest problem with BC is super slow production. You need at least 4 fully saturated bases with 3-4 starports with attached tech labs + fusion core + yamato upgrade. Terran does not have chronoboost so we cannot speed up BC production.


Seriously, any non american can tell you the bad image of these kind of people , of course in my own country we have our own share of people obsessed with politics, racist jokes and stuff like that, but most of the population will only care about politics to a certain point, on your daily life it’s rare to see someone talking about politics.And then you step into internet and it looks like everything revolves around american politics, yo log into NA server and the chat is filled with politics, our contry’s chat when the game was alive it barely had any politics, was really nice logging thinking you would play the game and when you had to leave realized you didn’t play a single game because the conversations were fun and interesting. So when you are chillin and suddenly see someone talking about politics in that manner, you know its some of these americans, you know they are not asian, not african, not european, not from middle east…and it’s funny and sad, that’s why I don’t think Lowko was triggered, when someone talks about politics is more of a random/wtf moment.

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At wood league what I have seen is BC rush as you say, and the classic turtle with many tanks, PF, sensor towers, who sometimes hides the BC tech and at the moment you try to attack him, they jump into your main with the BC and the game ends in basetrade but they have tons of positioned tanks,your vikings are useless because they have to travel to the other side of the map, then they get destroyed by yamatos and you don’t have production facilities now. I don’t blame them, some people is so bad they have to play with dirty tricks, so they do what they can, but it’s annoying. Even massing turrets on the main anticipating the jump is not enough.

Which means he loses certain legal immunities. Pointing that out weakens your position.

Wrong. Impersonating a Blizzard employee is against the rules. There is nothing against the rules for creating a parody account for somebody else. In fact it’s been dozens and dozens of times on the forums. The truth of the matter is that Blizzard allows you to create an account with any name you want. They don’t reserve names. That means any name is up for grabs and nobody “owns” the name. People have used my name before.

It was entirely fair play and Lowko busted a gasket because A) he’s too low IQ to identify satire and B) he assumes everyone else is as dumb and that they would think the parody account is him. Nobody with a brain was tricked by that. Lowko however was extremely upset because he can’t handle his own medicine. He creates videos where he singles out and insults people on the forums and he does this on his highly publicized stage, but he can’t handle someone mocking him? Give me a break. That is immature af.


So let me get this right. Spending hours creating a youtube video where you rage at a harmless joke and insult, repeatedly, people with different oppinions isn’t salty, but doing a harmless, good natured joke is salty, childish and ought to be stopped? This is called a double standard sweetie pie.

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I love how you first state that anyone who talks politics is bad, then you proceed to talk about the politics of talking politics. Lmao. Hypocrisy incarnate. You’re just going to have to live with the fact that other people have mouths and that they can use their mouths to say the things on their mind. And if you don’t like that then don’t read their posts. In fact you can block them. So by the mere fact that you admit you are reading their posts completely obliterates your narrative and proves you are an enormous hypocrite. If you don’t like what someone has to say, block them. Problem solved. No more of this virtue signalling how you are superior because you don’t talk politics. Lmao. What you are doing, right here and now, IS A POLITICAL MOVE in the forum social structure.

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If tactical jump is to stay that it need some serious nerfs. My proposed nerfs could be the following.

  1. Must be researched first. maybe 100/150 to research.
  2. BC holograms can be attacked prior to warping in like protoss warps can.
  3. BCS warp in with a .3 second delay one after the other.
  4. Vision is required. This would make it harder for terrans to just warp a bunch of them in to random parts of the map.
  5. Costs energy to warp.
  6. Warping out has a 6 second delay and works with a .3 second delay.
  7. Warping costs energy so they need to choose between warping or yamato cannons.

What legal immunities are you talking about?.

There are.There is a rule against difamation and harassment, obviously if you are impersonating someone and saying certain things, you are basically targeting that player with your actions, and as I said, he is a known player so this rule is specially important.

No breaks for you, your attitude is also immature and sad, even if you don’t like him there is no need to do certain things.

What hypocrisy?, this is a game, I see no pint in talking about politics inside a game or harassing people talking about politics and other things from outside the game. I was just pointing that americans feel the need of explaining their political ideas every time they open the mouth like you just said.

I never block anything, I read fast so sometimes by the time I realize what it is I have already read most of it. I don’t engage in any conversation but if read something I just roll my eyes and keep doing my thing.

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Amazing how singling someone out and insulting them in a youtube video isn’t considered harassment by your logic but merely using a name is somehow harassment. You’re using Diogenex name. So I guess you are harassing all the other people who use that name? Rofl. Nice logic.

I didn’t read the rest of your post - you have a wanton bias to the point of extreme hypocrisy and no amount of facts nor logic can save you. Talking to a brick wall would be more productive because at least it doesn’t have a brain with which it can invent reasons to be offended.

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Recall is 1000x more op.


Idk. It only lets you teleport to nexuses and can only be used on a handful of units at once. Also there is a bit of a cooldown before you can warp units out and only a few at a time.


This bird harass another poster. Then say he hate the harassment? It onky bad. If 9ther poster have done it… LUL …

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The difference is that he is not breaking any Blizzard rule, he isn’t harassing on the game, he isn’t harassing on the forums, he is using his private YT channel, so it has nothing to do with blizzard rules, I don’t know if YT has some rules about that, if you feel harassed you could talk with youtube’s customer service.

When I started using my name at battle net almost 15 years ago, there was no one with that name in the entire wow worldwide population that was probably few millions with tons of other characters, so I doubt I was trying to impersonate someone, years after me, some people popped with the name, so I was the original.I used also a nickname used in real life and sometimes people asked if I was X person or anything else, apparently it was somewhat common nickame and even a drug was called like that? (wtf).

Yep exactly. By vehemently targeting & insulting forum members, Lowko has emboldened trolls like Diogenex to do the same. He completely lacks self awareness and doesn’t see the irony in it however. He says he is against harassment as he ignores the targetted harassment he, himself, is engaging in. Lmao.

In my honest opinion, the amount of mental illness on these forums is way too darn high. People need to let their hair down and relax.

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If I were to report it to youtube, I would be sure to cite your posts as evidence of how Lowko’s harassment continues to affect me. However unlike you I am not offended by some weak sauce insults on the internet and I don’t need to cry to YouTube to have them removed like Lowko did to Blizzard. It’s called being mature.

This entire ordeal is nothing except a hilarious clown circus that will feed my ego for years to come. I will be bragging on dates about how big-name YouTubers were so triggered by my jokes they made videos crying about it. It will be a badge of honor I will wear my entire life.

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ayyy lmao, who insulted me and when I got offended?

There is nothing more interesting for a lady than a man who is able to get the attention of an important youtuber.