If your opponent’s connection is consistently lagging behind the server, then the lag screen will come up (and that 60 second declination begins) . is that right?
But what if they lag but then recover. In just the right timing such that the lag screen doesn’t come up, yet you end up (every 30 seconds) dealing with a frozen screen for a moment? I swear to jelly beans that keeps happening. RIght when I engage his army nonetheless.
What is with the increase in lag lately? Is it just so many people online because of current circumstances? Overall traffic volume? My ladder games are so unbelievably annoying about the lag.
Anyone else?
Corona… It is felt in multiple-online games…
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If your opponent’s name comes up, then he is the one lagging. If nobody’s name comes up, then you are the one lagging.
The 30 secs countdown does “recover” but unfortunately there isn’t much you can do about it. Know that it is irritating for you, but your opponent can literally do almost nothing (if they are the one lagging).
From understanding, 2 issues might be at play here:
- Increased server usage because of the 10th anniversary announcement.
- Previously there were login issues because of a suspected deep sea cable damage, which I think have been resolved.
The last would be your network, but I am assuming that nothing is wrong (as long as your network works fine elsewhere, e.g. surfing internet, another game, etc).
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I fixed much of it by running SFC /Scannow and repairing file structures in Powershell with:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
DISM /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth