Looks like Brotoss was right about PvT

That’s like saying locusts aren’t free because the zerg has to pay for the swarm host. You pay 150 minerals for the orbital, not the mule.


Funny thing is that whineterrans even do not understand the ridiculous position they put themselves.
Be compassionate and considerate of their feelings Dr. BatZ. We don’t want frustrated terrans don’t we?
Last time they got frustrated, the Observer happened.
I won’t like to see the Queen nerffed due to …terranfrustration.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Here we have a terran that suspects an Observer is overhead:


Locusts are free units when the swarm host is paid for. Just like mules are free when the orbital is bought and paid for.

Zerg has free hatcheries once they have a queen and the best defensive mechanic in the game. This needs to be nerfed.

Batz why do you continue to deny facts?

No Way! Protoss is OP if anything. Archon/Zealot or Archon/Adept in an early push will dominate the zerg or cripple them so much they will never recover. Protoss needs to be nerfed

Thank you for, finally, admitting a blatantly obvious truth.


Put a /s on your post. People are actually gonna believe you.

Ah yes batzy take a snippet MSM style.

Tehbatz thinks fact denial is an argument boys.

Nice job prioritizing a single period where you get to be right.

Here, let’s look at the past 2.5 years…

aligulac. com/misc/balance/

Oh, Poo! My narrative…


I mean, this is the same guy who takes the last 5 TvP games from a single channel (WardiTV), and uses it as a sample to make his conclusions about the overall meta. If I point out an example from GSL or somewhere else, he responds with, “oh, I was only watching WardiTV channel”, but somehow that’s still good enough of a sample for him to exclude all other channels and games.

Very difficult to take him seriously. But of course he’s King Brotoss, and he has the right to post his conclusions all over the forums, but we also have the right to not bow down to Big Daddy Brotoss’s antics.

Queen is an effective army unit. During first tournament this year, data was collected and queen came out on top with 1.1X efficiency. Meaning it is MORE efficient than average army unit. Along with being healer, eco mechanic + providing vision and speed boost at whole Zerg side of the map.

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I pasted that from another thread someone just posted but sure, please feel free to show us how Protoss has been the lagging race for the last 1000 periods.

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95% of the pro PvT games I have watched in the current patch have Terran winning handily, usually by a score of 2-0 or 3-0; how is that irrelevant? In my Wardi thread I posted like 20 reps of recent pro play showing P getting absolutely smashed by T; you posted one rep where P managed to scrape out a win. Facts are facts brother, I know it’s hard to accept the fact that P has been nerfed into the ground over the past two years. It’s funny because the new Terran line is, “well yeah, P is under-powered, but it’s mainly because of Zerg!” One step at a time I guess.


Aligulac takes into account weekly NA tournaments filled with NA GM all the way down to diamonds like urself and weights them equally as GSL. BTW guess which one happens more frequently and makes up more of the data?

I’m Masters, you seem upset

What’s the definition of “anecdotal,” again?

What’s the definition of “irrelevant” again? When did I say I watched a game and it provided definitive evidence of X? You’re just mad you’re 22K games/10 years deep into this game and you’re hard-walled in at M3.

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So “Protoss doesn’t whine” was a myth. Damn… This whole forum is a pure whine and lie every thread. Atleast DukeNukem is fine.

You’re balance crying… It’s obvious you’re trying to produce evidence.

Took me all of 15 games to get M2 when I went Protoss :thinking:

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You start at the rank of your main, nice try tho