Looks like Brotoss was right about PvT

It’s a tired argument but that’s the truth., a clear example was you dismissing people based on their ranks,imagine what a better player would think about your rants at 4700mmr.

The other day I saw Harstem losing against a BC,instead of blaming design or balance,studied the situation and determined his fault.A lesser player probably would think that T was OP.

You can continue your rants,but at ladder is that way,toss is strong even after being over nerfed.You are not playing against maru,you can abuse the race design of protoss at your level.


Yea, i am surprised by the long persistence of this BS. It’s a heavy dose of intellectual dishonesty to continue with this mantra. Balance and design counts in all 2000-7000MMR continuum. It is important at what level of MMR (or League) certain technologies become usable.
Take the MMM and Disruptor. MMM is usable and used from Bronze to GM whereas Disruptor due to difficulty in usage is seen in Dia-GM Range. This causes a lot of issues to Protoss due to GW armied being trash.
To add insult to injury at Plat/Dia level terrans begin to use even stronger OP units like Ghosts…
To those hypocrites i would ask: when Balance/Design is only important for 7000-7400MMR than why are you crying so much from Silver-Dia positions?
It surely won’t impact your noob games…
Silence from the whineterran camp!


To add insult to injury you want to increase the complexity of disruptors and with even more FF.

Sure, i want to make the Protoss-life even more difficult. If a M/GM Protoss suffers from FF of Dual-Mode-Disruptor then he is not yet ready to use those units. They can remain with the current-mode, it’s their choice.
It’s amazing how terran-apologists try to counter the D-Mode Disruptor out of their sincere concern for …Protoss wellbeeing.
I am so touched by all this terran-benevolence that now i will go to buy some toilet-paper to dry my protoss-tears.
:roll_of_toilet_paper: :roll_of_toilet_paper: :roll_of_toilet_paper: :roll_of_toilet_paper: :roll_of_toilet_paper: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


You’re welcome, Goba. You might need to buy some more for your Protoss cohort. PPP is in full force lately!

Out of respect for this Brotoss thread i won’t continue with you (in this thread-only). Your tentative on derailment won’t be successful.
Brotoss post was a floodlight over some sneaky cockroaches in the middle of the night. It should stay that way!

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We need the dual-mode Disruptor. Badly.

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We’ve also had this discussion; there is a big difference between me and a 2500 MMR player. A 2500 MMR player is not even playing the game; I’m playing the game, I’m just not executing it at the highest possible level. I’ve seen D3 replays, these guys are doing random stuff; in Masters, people at least try to follow professional build orders and compositions. M3 is top 2% of all players, I think that entitles me to have an opinion. Regarding Harstem, he never whines, he makes a point of anti-whine, so saying he didn’t complain is meaningless.

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You said it, they try, and the mmr range from bottom master to top GM is huge,in terms of skill amount, higher than 2500 to 4500 .A top GM will see a master 3 game and will se a clown fiesta with bad timings and unrefined builds and people overcommiting or throwing games.Just see how Parting destroys people even when he is drunk, that’s the kind of skillgap this game can have.

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That’s a straight up lie.

Protoss needs a little bit of help in general. You’re just afraid TvP might get a little harder for Terran.


I agree, we should also delete free hatchery (Queens) and free defense mechanic (Queens) Zerg has gotten away with for quite a few years now. After 33+ premier wins and a year of dominance that would make GomTvT era look balanced. I think its more than fair than Zerg is finally brought into line!

Also the removal of pervert pillars that is a map mechanic specifically created for patch zergs that lack the ability or effort to incur a cost to scout their oppoenent. This seems to have spawned quite a few PatchZergs as of late!

Make StarCraft 2 skillfull again!

Corporate wants you to find the difference

They’re the same thing


The only thing Brotoss was right about was choosing his name on the character screen. Everything else; he is absolutely 100% wrong.

Queens are bought and payed for and therefore cannot be free.

Just like the oribital command for MULES! For a 1 off payment, of 150.00 minerals zerg theoretically get free hatcheries! Not to mention the best defensive mechanic in the game!

If a mule dies, I get it back for free?
If a queen dies, I get it back for free?

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Batzy batzy batzy.

If you destroy all the orbital command(s), the Terran player can’t get mules back for free until he upgrades another cc for a cost of 150.00 minerals!
If all the queen(s) is killed, they get can’t free hatcheries until a new queen is paid for!

The answer is no, you can’t replace a queen for free, and yes, you can replace a mule for free. Why? Because queens aren’t free but mules are free! Wow! Amazing!


Mules cost 550 minerals to get.

Queens just take 150 minerals no matter if it’s a hatch,lair and hive,


Batz is dodging a known fact that in order to use the FREE MULES he is talking about, is that you must pay 150 minerals for it. Therefore mules aren’t actually free. Because a cost was incurred to gain access to them.

Zerg gets FREE HATCHERIES via the SPAWN LARVA ability. Wow amazing!

Fact denial isn’t an argument Batzy.