Looking to hand off weekly mutation posts; forum trust level 3 required

I actually can’t keep up posting here anymore. It takes too much time and effort to try and maintain that trust level 3 just for the weekly mutation post. So I want to hand it off to someone else.

Let me know below if you’re interested in doing the weekly mutation posts on here and on Reddit. I already made a template for you to use so you can just copy/paste the information I already have on the [previous posts].

Not sure how many are interested, but I’d want to hand this off to someone who fits the following description:

  1. Trust level 3 on the BNet forums regularly
  2. Has a Discord [so I can transfer the file and maintain communication]
  3. Regularly checks back and updates information on the post as needed
  4. Plays the actual co-op mutations

As I said, I already have a template thing that pre-formats the post for you
All you have to do is to update the information, and copy/paste the posts on here. Reply down below if you’re interested.


Aww sad to see you go. Hope you find a great successor.

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Thx for your contribution anyway


Thanks for the hard work, shame to see you go. Hopefully there’s someone to take the posts up.


Dang. I feel like once someone reaches Trust Level 3, with enough moderate activity, they should keep that level. Thank you for what you have done over the many months.


Why are you looking to hand it off? Also, why doesn’t Hunter do the thread anymore where he ranks the commanders?

Co-op officially ded. Sad.


What is trust level 3?

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There’s a system in the background that tracks several activity metrics of a user. The system assigns Trust Levels to the users based off that activity.
There’s TL0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.

TL0 is where any brand new user starts. After a certain amount of activity, they are promoted to TL1, then TL2 then TL3. TL3 can post just about anything, and in CtG’s case it’s needed for posting imbedded links to non-vetted external sources.

Only Bliz posters have TL4.


If they didn’t delete the old forum posts, I would have a level 3 account. ~sad face~

Well, I guess we will have to settle with a less formatized and detailed mutation post. Shouldn’t keep us from discussing it weekly. Honestly I never watched those videos. However, I clicked on quite a few screenshots.

Thanks for all the work you’ve done, CtG.

I’ve had trust 3 off and on, it’s a pain in the rear keeping it unless you look at the forums religiously.

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It’s always been an issue. People have had it who shouldn’t, then some taken away at random intervals while others kept it, still others work for it and never get it. Overall, assuming you’re the lucky ones that fall under the “it works as per their outline”, then maintaining is a pain in the rear.

I hope CtG finds someone like that (especially with his same kind of dedication). That said, I doubt it’ll be easy to find someone like that. Although, one can hope I suppose.

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How do you even check this?

Mine only said Trust Level member.

IIRC that’s level 2, level 3 calls itself “regular”

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It’s a pain but you need to check the .json code for your posting character.

  1. Bring up your forum profile. So for instance: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/sc2/u/Cerebrate-1717
  2. Add .json to the end of the URL:
  3. In the page that loads, do a search for trust_level_
  4. The highest number found is the current TL. So for you, the search finds trust_level_0, trust_level_1, and trust_level_2. So you are TL2.

On a side note, despite seeing IPs in the code, only you can see your own IP. You can’t see the IPs of others and they can’t see yours.


Thanks for contributing Ctg. I was thinking maybe you should do something else. Like start or work on your career or something else since I see you are so young.

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Are the actual requirements for leve 3 known?
There is some info, like this post New Forum Guide - Syntax & Features - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums
but that’s not accurate - the actual requirements may be different for each forum and/or region.
I got L3 on this forum when my read posts/topics were nowhere close to the numbers in that post. But it seems that I lost that L3 since then :smiley: so some work is indeed required to keep that level :frowning:

Anyway, from what I understand, Blizzard can give Trust Level 3 even to people who do not meet the requirements if they decide so, so that may be a way for CtG to keep that level without needing to browse new posts every day just to fulfill some criteria. :thinking:

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Not specifically. The thread you linked is from way back when the new forums launched. The conditions were true at the time but Bliz has made many, many tweaks to it since then. :confused:

“The forum is too active and time-consuming to keep regular trust level for me.”
I would not call it dead, the forum is too active to keep up with work.