Literally the most pointless game to play in 2024

No idea why anyone would bother, let alone with terran.

The game died badly due to protoss imbalance and has been dying a slow death ever since.

The disruptor out-ranges every single terran ground unit and tempests one-shot thors in high numbers, it doesn’t matter if you killed 30+ probes and your opponent did nothing, it doesn’t matter if your expansions and upgrades were faster, they can’t lose. Even if you get the perfect unit comp and amount of units (with tanks hellbats and vikings) and somehow manage to push while taking chip damage, you will still lose due to storm.

Bio is even worse since it’s an auto loss to carriers as proven by byun, so terran has no options. It’s the single most pointless thing to do in 2024 to play this game, even if you’re not playing terran, the game is still dead and it’s not like protoss a-move armies don’t exist in PvZ.

Terran is designed to lose, Protoss is designed to win. Protoss units require nothing but a-moving and they get battery overcharge so it’s even more impossible. It’s not an uphill battle, TvP is just a lose simulator that couldn’t have less of a point to it. Your opponent can do everything worse and just a-move braindead armies and win. I’ve played protoss in team games and it feels very easy, simplistic and cheap compared to terran.

Protoss is the single most overpowered thing in gaming (in SC2 ofc, BW protoss is somewhat rigged but nearly to the extent that SC2 protoss is.)

Even at the absolute top level, there is some chance that you can make zerg losing look realistic in a match fixed game. There is no such thing with protoss, so if terran loses 7 games in a row, the next match literally has to be mass tempest greed against a terran push, which protoss STILL holds, then goes on to make more tempests vs mass viking in order to lose, instead of just going carrier when that style instantly won against byun, but against maru? Ofc it’s time to go for mass tempests instead of the other unit that doesn’t get out-ranged by anything.

Zerg eco and the fact that BCs are more broken OP than BW carriers in TvT also exist, making this game a genuine nightmare.


I think it’s fun ¯_ (ツ)_/¯


Whats Up with the terran whine lately?

If we bring Up pro Play then its pretty much Impossible to lose to protoss as a terran because the winrate has been 60-40 for tvp for ages. Everyone in the Community and in pro Play agrees that protoss needs help in pvt. Protoss didnt win a single Premier in 2023. Protoss is dead in pro Play.

Yet there are still some lost Guys who act Like tvp is p favored.

Obviously you still can complain about Low Level Play but bringing Up pro Play is Just Shooting your own foot.


Either you have never played Protoss or you are writing rage-induced low quality bait.

If you really do think that it’s super broken, play it for a bit to find out some of its weaknesses!


Technically, the disruptor’s nova can clip things at 13.5 range. It’s not easy to do though - at least it could last time I checked. With the radius nerf that happened a bit ago that might be different now.


Yeah, it does outrange the Siege Tank still - I apologize for being too snippy - the point was the Disruptor isn’t an a-move unit, and if you try to a-move with them you’ll easily kill all your own Zealots instead.

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Yea that original post is insane.

As a protoss main who dabbles in terran imo it’s protoss that desperately needs help.
The amount of work and strategy it takes for a protoss player to try to defend whatever early aggression it is from terran, be it marine drops (in 1 or multiple places), widow mine drops, straight up marines and tanks with a stim timing at the front door I find staggering compared to the no-brain combo of marines/mediacs/marauders and tanks of terran. After slaving away at Protoss for ages I found I literally got to an equivalent mmr with terran playing while relaxed which was insane to me. Which is sad because I like the Protoss vibe more, but against terran I feel you have to just try to survive the first wave of whatever they throw and then you have a chance from there.

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It’s not too hard to defend Terran aggression but you need to be aware of what they’re up to and you need to abuse the ever living crap out of blink stalker/chargelot early on to keep Terran’s bioball at a manageable level. The moment Terran gets enough crap to stim2win is the moment you need HEAVY splash damage or you’re going to get steamrolled.

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As a terran main i’m also surprised that someone can make a thread like this. I never struggled vs protoss honestly. My winrate in TvP was around 40-45 % the whole time. Sometimes surpassing 50%.

If anything zerg is for me very hard to deal with because i play bio. Bio is deleted by banes, even if you focus fire banes with tanks, and make some splits. I could play mech, but mech is very boring to play ( i hate turtle games) + mech is hard countered by viper ultra, hydra.

So i don’t understand why so much complaints about protoss. Yes, with recent ghost/lib nerf, beating late game toss army might be more difficult but still it is 3x easier than beating late game zerg ultra-brood-corruptor-viper-infestor armies, so if anything it is zerg that requires immediate nerfs, not protoss.

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60-40? Source? According to Aligulac it’s currently 56% win rate for Protoss in PVZ and 53% in PVT.

I guess you lying is nothing new, though.

So you mean Terran is stronger at higher skill levels, but weaker at lower skill levels? Almost like it’s more difficult? Nah, that can’t be it. LOL

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Why are you bothering me? Stop follow me around. Get a hobby. (Im saying this, because you are usually the one who is saying that when i point out your bs in other topics)

Since you are apparently living under a rock i am using the “balance reports” from reddit. There is a guy that takes all tournament results (from aligulac) with pro players and calculates the winrates. I dont know how long he did this but at least 1 year or maybe 2 years already.

The winrate of pvt in pro play was ridicilously low and now its starting to get better.

For reference (where he even references previous results):
www. reddit. com/r/starcraft/comments/1b3rp84/sc2_balance_report_dec_feb_3month_analysis/#lightbox

Because the problem of the aligulac database/ aligulac balance report is that it isnt transparent, no? I couldnt find any clue which matches are in the data base. In the FAQ its something about being case sensitive.

In the reddit balance report it say that the WHOLE dataset (from aligulac) is used and you can actually look into the data because hes transparent.

No? This isnt what i said at all.

I said: I can fully understand anyone whining about anything at lower levels. Protoss players can complain, zerg players can complain and terran players can complain. There are dozens of mechanics and interactions that are completly nuts for lower level players and can end the game then and there.

But he was referencing top pro and obviously as everyone knows and agrees - protoss is very weak there.


Dude I don’t even come on here but like handful of times per week. It’s you who’s on here posting literally every day like it’s a second job. Give me a break buttercup, stop acting like you’re a victim of my bullying whenever I respond to your nonsense, ever.

You and the Protoss whiners have taken over the forums (there’s only like 8 people on, now, so I guess the fact that 4 or 5 idiots dominate isn’t a surprise) and shout down anyone who disagrees.

Meanwhile all you see is terranwhine :smiley:

Also, nice counter arguments you got there. You havent adressed the points at all.

I posted 6 posts in 2 days and before that there wasnt a post in a month.

I just reacted to a bunch of terran whine.

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Because it’s simply not true. Protoss does quite well at the Major and Minor Tournament level. It’s not “at the pro level,” that Protoss fails. It’s only “at the Premier Tournament level.” That’s an absolutely minuscule sample size and without one of your best players in MaxPax.

Does Protoss have trouble within that tiny population? Yes. But they flourish literally everywhere else and that’s what you love to think just falls magically out of the sky. Like “oh, why is Protoss 44% of GM right now? Maybe they’re all just better?”

And yet you responded to me within minutes, while I post 1-2 times per week…

Nah you used to post daily.
Lets say working at the office has its advantages :smiley:

So you mean like you know better than all pros especially the balance council?
They specifically state that protoss struggles at top pro level - which is premier tournament (not minor or major).

No one said that protoss is completly unplayable and underpowered at every level of play. All we stated was the obvious - that protoss is underpowered at top pro level (which is exactly what the pro players and the balance council agrees on).

You realize that major and minor tournaments are not top pro level? How often does serral or reynor play esl open cup? Or other small tournies. Why is serral listed as inactive on aligulac? He has been flagged for being afk before, too.

Ofc in major tournies there are a lot of pros but at minor there are mostly semi pros or even just regular folks.

Again: If you say protoss is doing fine at pro level then you disagree with pros/balance council.

They might be fine now, after the recent nerfs of terran, but we will see. And this is the thing im calling out when there are whiny terrans. 2023 was a very very good year for terran and they still are doing great. There is no reason to start crying.

Yeah what help? The part where rusty players like herO and Stats cannot win tournaments so let’s make them game for rusty pros, Classic Trap all these 4 are ruined players.

Hero…the Guy who won a gsl for protoss after 5 years of No gsl title. The Guy who created a new Playstyle in pvz. The Strongest protoss.

Meanwhile even solar can win gsl after getting trashed Hardcore in the next. Dont get me wrong. I Like solar but Hes Not an s Tier Player. And while protoss got only 1 gsl title in 7 years it raises some Questions about how a Guy Like solar can win.

So yeah. As i Said before protoss needed Desperate Help and thats why the Balance council finally did Something to fix the Situation.

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The guy who is also inconsistent to the most absurd degree, and makes mistakes in the moment that I genuinely think even diamond players wouldn’t make in the same position (though obviously diamond players wouldn’t ever be in that position in the first place cause they’re too rubbish).

He can be a god one minute with amazing micro and macro, and then the next game literally look like a bronze player with some of the worst micro and decision making I have ever seen in my life. It doesn’t just vary series to series, it varies game to game and you never know which one you’re going to get until you’re half way through the game.


Yes yes yes all were legends… before their service and then? It’s right after that I’m talking about. If they reach semis on GSL it is because Maru himself doesn’t play at peak not because they are so darn well. With that level of success they need to buff toss/nerf others a lot to help with that rustiness win something. Maybe herO is doing most of all rusty returnees to SC2 specially the protoss, but I can see most players are changed forever after that

Eh, I’m not gonna count out Rogue. He’s just come back (like a week or two ago), and has already hit 6600 MMR on ladder. Guy was genuinely one of the best players way back when, and depending on where he was stationed he might actually have been able to ladder (somewhat).