Linear regression of pro level performance

They aren’t even trying to argue the points. They are jumping straight to the personal attacks. Well done. You’ve beaten the terran cry force.


Beating the imaginary “TCF” doesn’t mean anything.

You are going to have to beat Blizzard, who agrees with the “TCF”. Perhaps Blizzard is too smart to fall for such short-sighted stats and better relies on reality? That would be intuitive considering “TCF” and Blizzard think the same…due to reality.

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Is this another Goba? Did he get banned AGAIN?!


because blizzard always balances the game perfectly, that’s why no one ever whines with the choices blizzard makes, blizzard is so good at balance it makes everyone so insanely happy.


You’re essentially saying Batz balance changes are more efficacious than Blizzard’s balance changes.

Also, Blizzard may not be the best at balance changes, but they’re usually ok with knowing what needs changing and slowly getting there.

Their main issues is that their changes are late.

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no i’m just trying to point out that maybe blizzard doesn’t always make the best decisions.

so them making changes due to reality (as you say) maybe isn’t correct ? just some food for thought.


They don’t, but usually their balance changes are ok given enough time, which is unfortunately years.

It took them a sold 12+ months to fix zerg, for example.

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Blizzard does its job if everyone is equally unhappy


If you disagree with this analysis, then go ahead and prove it wrong.


Why do you believe that trying to intellectually engage with batz will result in anything other than a chess board covered in pigeon poo? Do you know something that we don’t, or are you simply blindly supporting him because he is pushing a pro-zerg narrative that you like, and you aren’t bothered by his compulsive dishonesty and general belligerence?


Ah yes, PvZ is Toss favored now , I see thanks mate :slight_smile:


I’ve done that about 1500 times. He just moves the goal posts. Remember when his “proof” consisted of representations being roughly the same across every stage of every premier tournament? The instant I proved Terran lost representation in EVERY CASE, unless it was the Ro4 and our ONE player got through, whoa, look at that, new criteria.

I’m even open to the idea that Terran is over performing, but I’m done wasting braincells on someone too arrogant to realize when they get outclassed. He’s not smart enough to win, and he’s too proud to admit it.


The fact you idolize tehbatz says a lot about your character.


Dunno if I would say he “idolizes” him. Just he’s willing to side with anyone who’s willing to “prove” that Terran is somehow easy and/or overpowered.


It’s a tough call. Anyone who sells out common sense in order to agree with tehbatz for the sake of bias is pushing it. Im sure there’s a more appropriate word though.

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Not sure why you are raging at me. Batz has a point and being mad doesn’t change that. Throw all the names at him you want. Unless you have something else of equally as comprehensive you can’t compete.


Not raging, I lack much emotion in the above statement.

Batz doesn’t have a point, he makes them up. If there is no evidence of terran being OP, you better believe he will pull it out of a magicians hat.

What name did I call him in the above statement?

Blizzard already agrees with “TCF”, which makes sense considering zerg did win 7 premier tournaments in a row.


Every single time Batz posts anything remotely resembling a statistic, he deliberately misrepresents or outright fabricates data by running it through equations that add weight to zerg’s losses and terran’s wins in the guise of “adjusting for skill.”

Basically, he makes it all up and tries to claim it as fact.


I can’t read your posts with a straight face man. I am not sure why you have a chip on your shoulder but you clearly do.


Great rebuttal.

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