"Like an ultralisk" situations?

There are some zany situations where you get “ultralisk-like” stats, but pay relatively little. Wondering what cases we have with that in Coop?..

Raynor P1 Firebats - After the Armor and hp upgrades, they cost 100/25/2 for 460hp.

Fenix Khadalis - 160/0/3, +100 mins for the AI Champion research itself, for 400 hp + 200 sh, or 640 + 320 with max mastery!

Stukov Bunker (Bunkerlisk :wink: ) - 400hp for 400/0/4 (no gas)

Karax Sentinel - with full mastery, and the revive upgrade, 195hp, 65 shield, x2 due to revive. Costing 130/0/2, or 78/0/2 on P2

P2 Zagara’s Abberations is a very good example of one. With P2 her abberations have around 500 health and only cost somewhere around 150/51 resources. Making them very spammable. And they drop 2 banes on death. Just a single one of them can solo a standard ultralisk. And on top of all that, they take up less space then ultralisks.

Fully upgraded supply bunkers get 600 HP and 3 armor when fully upgraded (correct me if I’m wrong).