Liberators need a nerf

I’d enjoy this - just from the catharsis that parasitic bomb would give me :slight_smile:

Well said.

Banshees aren’t a ‘bad’ unit. They are pretty niche though. Also - it’s been a while since I played Vs, but I would have thought that Gold would have improved more than that. Even back in HOTS Golds were starting to split marines and do multiprong drops.

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I can answer this:

  • Protoss: Phoenixes with cannons on mineral lines, so Banshees don’t scale well.

  • Zerg: has early game Tempest… I mean, Queens.

And for ofense, your opponent could stop making Hydras and transitioned to Corruptors into Broodlords so he would be a step ahead of anything you transition for.

Banshees have their value but OP I don’t think they are.

Play good and get a free win

Queens need Overseers to be able to kill Banshees, as Banshees are good vs Spores.

Toss has plenty of aoe. If you are not satisfied with just storm / collo you can always make disruptors where just one hit can end the game.

No one has time to skill-shot in a game where you already micro a lot of units. Disruption Nova is a MOBA ability.

Forum-Troll detected

No duh. It’s been nerfed 50 times already, and it’s still better than any Toss unit. The balance team totally deserves the benefit of the doubt in regards to the lib. They totally got that unit’s balance under control. P vs T is as close to being balanced as the Earth is to Pluto. A VERY generous assessment.

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What about stop whining on every thread ?

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Balance the matchup for a change. All it would take. Don’t see me whining about P vs Z do you? Didn’t know I was supposed to give high fives when something needs to be fixed. High five!! They’re paying people to balance the game, right? Is there anyone on the earth who thinks the tempest is properly balanced? The tempest’s strength isn’t even in the same universe as ANY Terran unit.

Every single Terran unit hard counters Toss air more than any Toss unit hard counters ANYTHING about Terran. I mean, jesus christ, you’d have to be dense to not whine.

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The problem is that the numbers tell you’re wrong, so maybe do something about you.

Well so morph the Overseer and Queens can also transfuse Spore for days.

If you see the guy massing Banshees and don’t build an Overseer you are asking to lose. Don’t forget to spread creep and Overlords so you can see the Banshees rotation before it hits any base.

If you don’t see it coming just evacuate Drones for some time and keep track.

Under 50% so far this period; no one ever wins at the highest level. Still waiting for a Toss player to be ranked higher than 10th in the world on Aligulac. Weird how every Toss got so much worse in LotV. Totally more reflective of a balanced game.

Oh, and if Toss does win, it’s the same build ever game. Blink into fastest third, into won cause you didn’t all-in me and I got my third base 7 minutes before you. Awesome and riveting. Such a consistent way to play.

Anytime a mu needs to be balanced, let’s just give the other race 1000 minerals at the 5 minute mark instead of actually making their units have a fighting chance. “If you can get 100 more supply than your opponent, you can have a chance at winning. Fair and balanced.”

I’m winning 70% of my games vs Toss and Zerg, at GM, and I’d be lucky to beat a Diamond league Terran. It’s totally on me man. Just completely forgot how to play vs Terran. Need to nerf the observer again brah. Game won’t be balanced until no Toss players are ranked in the top 100.

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You have been whining for month when the PvT was P favored for month.
I’m waiting for more samples for this patch.

I have 2 eyes and a brain brah. This is the most broken matchup I’ve ever seen. I don’t need to “wait for the meta to settle or a balance patch.” If the numbers are even 50%, it means Terran is broken, because non Korean Terrans couldn’t win a game with Terran if you made their units invincible and gave them the DPS of the thor, at the pro level.

Apparently there are some foreigner protoss who can’t win vs terran even when their race is pretty favored if you see what i mean.

Go look at any non Korean Broodwar tournament. You will see Nyoken, 1 Terran, and the rest of the players play Zerg or Toss. I played Terran at that level. I don’t get it, but players simply have never been able to play Terran. Only non Korean Terran that could play Terran in BW that plays Terran in SC 2 is Special. One guy…

If you guys are ever winning over 50% in tournaments… the race is broken beyond belief because that’s what it NEEDS to be for non Koreans to win. I’m sick of it. Nerfing the observer. It’s the R word to the max. Give me a break.

It’s like balancing for the special Olympics. They’re not going to stop until the freaking SCV hard counters the carrier and does splash damage. There is no limit to this stupidity. Enough is enough. God d.


Tempests are fantastic at disrupting Lib clusters and are fairly solid against BCs. Phoenixes can hunt down medivacs and assassinate banshees really fast.

Honestly, PvT at the higher levels seems very Protoss favored.

Like so many counters, this assumes perfect and isolated conditions.

In reality, a good Terran is going to be poking into your third with a bio ball or hellions while the banshees hit your main, or knocking on your front door with marine/tank.

With a well placed scan, a banshee can be queued up to erase queens and spores before shattering your drones.

It’s not unbeatable, but you are exaggerating how easy banshees are to counter.

You can lose to it one time, but not a second time. Even though the Zerg losing to Banshees it’s hes fault for lack of Queen positioning. Even though it’s hard to surprise a Zerg like that with the infinit vision they have even for an temporary invisible unit.

Out of War3, StarCraft, Empire Earth, Age of Empires, I have never seen a game where an entire army can get killed in 2 sec. Small air useless, big air destroyed, ground gets zapped…I realllllllllllllllllllllllly had to micro hard, he did like no work.