Legacy of the void zeratul death?

Hi guys. Zeratul appears to be dead in Legacy of the void, right? But it’s not, because Xel’Naga are fighting with the Avatar after this death, artanis and kerrigan, so is zeratul really dead according to the game?

Yes, Zeratul died for real in Legacy of the Void.

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Zeratul is officially dead. It’s along the same lines as Obi-Wan Kenobi or Dumbledore. Gotta have the hero face the ultimate challenge without their teacher to help.

Co-op Commander takes place in a different timeline/universe so Zeratul, Mengsk, and Tychus being available there isn’t canon.


The conflict between good story writing and game designing.

With story writing you want the audience to be captivated by the events unfolding, and this is done with many layers of uncertianty. Uncertainty is eliminated when the game designer wants to use an asset, as a writer you can’t say “that asset can’t be used because that character no longer exists in the lore”

Over time we will see less good writing due to merchendise, alternate gameplay modes, and IP mascots.

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Interestingly, Co-op was first considered as canon by the developers until Mengsk release.
Zeratul was faking his own death and Tychus somehow managed to survive the headshot, was considered as dead by Mengsk and dropped like a broken toy.
After the mengsk release however they officially announced that it is no longer canon. (Which makes sense, because Mengsk was turned into a living Psi-Nuclearbomb and exploded with half of the palace)

Co-op was never canon, but it was originally envisioned as being able to fit into it, at least, which is why the framing device is the war against Amon.

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Except the quote of the Imperial Witness while in non-moving mode about Mengsk not being a clone, make that “sense” unnecessary, as there’s already an “escape route”.