Lazy update REVERT PLZ

Rather than actually taking the time to balance out and adjust units/structures that are currently too powerful they’d rather just nerf them into oblivion, kill the strategy, and never worry about it again, plz revert changes then take your time in making a more balanced out good change that doesn’t just essentially delete what you are working on.


Why would they revert the changes if so many people find them good? Easier/more logical to just let people figure it out. It’s only been a day after all.


the poll going on right now in the forums shows otherwise, there is apparently more people that are not in favor of these changes.


People are resistant to change, especially changes that take away their ez win commander.

Give it time.


Think about it though. This is a forum. If people enjoy the game, they’re less likely to be on the forum complaining about it. It’s a poll taken from a biased pool of people.

Of those people actually playing the game and trying to enjoy and/or adapt to the new update (I know, crazy idea. it’s almost like if the game changes, the players should too), how many of them will be upset that there was a random update for a few days that got reverted because of whining?

This is straight-up unreasonable. When vora got nerfed, there were only SEVEN commanders in the game (maybe 8, I don’t recall if abathur was added yet but whatever). She got hit HARD. Free safety net of teleport away when killed went on FOUR TIMES cooldown. Expansions added rocks over gases, so vora couldn’t take 4 gases by the 1 minute mark, slowing down her growth. Shadow fury got its damage cut by half against non-light units.

Huh, now don’t a lot of these sound familiar? But remember her rework years later? The biggest change to DT strat was cloaked oracles. Evidently, she was at a good level. People figured out the nerfs. She didn’t need a revert back to her old op self.

Now look at her today. DT corsair still quite good. Still used regularly in mutations. Not the best at everything like she was before, but neither will Zeratul be, and that’s perfectly fine.


nerfing cannons is justified, but nerfing them to into oblivion is not.


A friend of mine actually did cannon Zeratul for RtK solo with both bonuses earlier today. You just need to be mindful of how many projections you summon and use them wisely, not rapid fire and forget.

“Nerfing to oblivion” is, imo, overreacting and shows how much the person was using Zeratul’s cannon build as a crutch.


the cooldown is x3 as long and they cost almost x2 more that is not an understatement


“Nerfed into oblivion” means “nerfed into nothing.” As in “you can’t use them anymore” You can still use cannons and they’re still pretty good.

Again, vora’s emergency recall cooldown got quadrupled. She went from near infinite revives per unit (since the cooldown would be basically done by the time the DT got back into battle) to ONE. That’ sounds pretty crippling, huh?


I see Vorazun as rarely as I see Alarak players nowadays so I dont see why you are saying that as if it means anything.


Ill have what your having lol.

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[Poll] What commanders need nerf and what need a buff?

No one complains vorazun DTs are too weak. Four people, out of all of those posts. Everyone before the patch was talking about Karax being too weak and Zeratul being nerfed. He got nerfed. Those people are happy.

Vorazun’s DTs got crippled, no one really cares. Zeratul’ cannons got crippled, now suddenly (apparently) everyone cares. What’s the difference? Time passed. Players got better.

The exact same thing happens with nearly every other nerf that happens in every other game. It will happen again. In a few months there will be threads that are like “hey, remember when everyone was angry about Zeratul being nerfed down to a reasonable level?”

And no, this isn’t a stukov situation. Cannons are fine. Players can still use it to great success.

You act like co-op is a hard thing and “players need to adapt” its not, its not hard literally at all unless you are playing on brutal+6. Literally all taking away builds from players does is either make them stop playing and leave the game or just have less options to use in the game. There’s literally nothing hard at all about playing Zeratul but doing Immortal instead of cannons, I dont see why you think that its like some OOH big step players will have to take or something because its not, deleting builds just makes the game more boring PERIOD.


The only situation where DTs are not viable is Miner Evacuation against suicide infested. They didn’t get crippled anywhere close to what happened to Zeratul, unless you suck at her and A-move them into reavers twice per 4 minutes. I still like playing Vorazun a lot, she’s very strong in almost every situation.

The actual really crappy nerf that Vorazun got was nerfing Dark Archons to near uselessness, and people did complain about it a lot. Now that I think about it, that was probably one of the first SC2 COOP “nerf it to the ground” incidents, where a player unit basically become not worth using in any situation. Of course it was never reverted and they are still useless, so I don’t have a lot of hopes for Zera cannons.

There’s a different between Blizzard sitting down and taking their time to nerf cannons by doing something like making the actual cannons teleport and leaving behind a shade of a powered down and inactive cannon thus greatly increasing the risk of using the mass cannon strategy vs being absolutely lazy, rushing changes, and just flat out making it so the cannons have about x6 less value.


I’ve been thinking about replaying Divinity 2 Original Sin for quite a while and this batch of lazy updates is just the push I needed to take a break from the game for a while. Hey look at that Sekiro is finally on sale and G.T.F.O. also finally got released. Might just have to play all 3 games before I finally come back actually.


I refuse to believe that as Zeratul I have to spend 1200 minerals just for 3 cannons guarding the ramp so that I can avoid the nukes on Oblivion Express. This is unacceptable.


You are delusional. People who don’t care and just stop playing are leaving the forum. The poll is biased in favour of nerfs, not otherwise.

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Clearly, you don’t visit a lot of forums. Forums are always the unofficial complaint department, wherever you go. People who are enjoying the game and/or happy with the changes are almost always a minority on the forums.

And just think for a moment: If people didn’t like the changes and wanted the changes to be undone, why would they remain silent? Why would they choose now to leave the forums?

It’s understandable to stop playing the game if you don’t enjoy it, but if you want something about the game to change, you should be heading straight to the forums. If you post on the forums, you have a decent chance of actually getting what you want. But if you choose to remain silent, your chances of getting what you want go down considerably. So who in their right mind would choose to leave the forums if they didn’t like a patch?


The forums are biased towards herd mentality and hysteria. People who have something they want to share, be it a problem, suggestion, rant, well, they come here. People won’t leave the forums as a form of protest against changes. They declare they stopped playing the games instead.