Land units cannot walk down or up the ramps

Same here, had just purchased the nova covert ops, and can’t play because of this ramp issue.
Now I checked, the same thing happens in co-op.

Besides this, my cursor sensibility keeps getting back to 50% every time I restart (I use it at 75%)
Looks like the Mengsk update screw us up big time… classic Mengsk tactic


Like people said, game is unplayable right now. I just went to heart of the swarm mission 1 and can’t walk through a ramp to finish the stage, somekind of missing texture.


I have a day off, and can’t even play a single game. I’m so mad at this s*** right now.


Same here, nice shot :joy::+1:

Couldn’t get my landcrawling protoss off the terrace where they start in the LotV - Steps of the Rite episode. Also a problem with getting them over some of the bridges. Glad I’m not alone.

blizz is aware of and trying to fix the issue.
if u want more info read here

I have the same problem. I hope it will get fixed soon.

i have the same ramps problem i hope that blizzard will correct it quiqkly

Same problem here
Wanted to do campaign again and stucked on mission 7 HoTS. Missing textures not only on ramp
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Western European here.

Allies get Dc’ed at the start of the match, portraits dont show up (during loading screens), textures bugged, cant move units up or down the ramp.

Woah is like someone just deleted 1 line of every code here and there.

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Can’t download SC2 a month ago because server problem. Today I finally download, now I have this bug, and again I can’t play. I will return next month, maybe.

So many bugs and problems.

I played CUSTOM - Melee: Nightshade LE
There were impassabe barriers all over the map also within the same ground leves.
Creep also didnt spread across these lines, which seperate every single expansion from adjacent ones. However blank / black grid-cells where only found on ramps. Tha map Eternal Empire LE has similar issues. Didnt try any other.

It’s just a Patch problem, they will fix it today don’t worry.

I have the same problem, do you know when Blizzard will fix this? one day the 2 day’s ?

Patch 4.11.0 co-op is full of bugs:
Someone found a fix that supposedly fixes the ramp problem.

regional settings - formats - additional setting” you need to set “Decimal symbol” to “.” (dot)


That’s good and all, but it’s not a fix. It’s a work around.

They should roll back the patch immediately and release again once ready. I was upset enough about the crappy balance changes (I’m Zerg) but now I can’t even play without changing my computer default settings

is this a legit fix to do this? its from this forum so i did it and it works great and the grafic bugs are gone aswell

go Run.exe - type INTL.CPL and run it - go to “additional settings” and change Decimap Symbols to “.” (dot)

Why don’t you guys just roll back to the last patch until you have things fixed?

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I have the same issue. My land units cannot walk down or up the ramps. I play SC 2 protoss campaign mission Last Stand and cannot move dark templars across the ramps. What to do?

I hafe the same problem