Lambda Indication

If there’s anyone in here who is OLD and I mean really old…

Have floated through the forums for over a decade now I suppose, under various handles

I think HeReTiC is still here, also under a different handle, I do know exactly what she would say, though. Kept a whole tornado in tiny box that one did. Been a long journey anyhow.

Now times are a changin’ and things come round about to pull up the lawn chairs for the show. There won’t be any medals this year, nor podiums to stand on - it’s going to be the great season of no tourist money. Peace does sell but I assure you, nobody is buying.

Seasoned rubber-neckers will come from far and wide, the ghouls out from the woodwork.

There will be nothing but a few crickets and a scheduled phone call for moral support. Read the fine print of your pay stub. It’s not even real money, the bankers are obviously cheating, uncle sam’s had a few too many, finna flip the table and were all sitting here like OK, guess i’ll just buy Connecticut; we learned to take what we can get, as a matter of survival.

The rules say: Do not pass go. Do not collect two hundred dollars. Go directly to jail, it’s right there in the book, no confusion, but alas.

A tragic comedy in all it’s decadent relish. One could argue ignorance is bliss, but in this case it is unclear, so we must ask: which is it? Talent, or perhaps even squalor that would compel such exclusive zeal out of an acutely mortal action?

Like old lantern nearing the end of it’s wick, a predictably unremarkable fate awaits.

You are Icarus only without feat