Laggers holding you hostage at loading screen

Why is it possible for some third worlder to rig a TI-86 and hold your account hostage at the loading screen for 5+ minutes? Even if you alt+F4 and restart, you still have to wait for them because “You cannot enter the matchmaking queue because your status has been locked.” Real fun.


How peaceful it must be for you to be butt hurt over something as silly as this.

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This happens due to the other person/people Alt+F4ing, and the game waiting on the person. After X amount of time has passed, the game drops the player due to the connection not completing.

Bliz allows 500 ping players to connect and lag out the game horridly. Been this way since WC2, and I doubt it’ll change if we ever get a WC4 or SC3.


that does not happen in co-op. if a user takes too long to load: that user will just drop.

How peaceful it must be for you to be butt hurt over something as silly as this.

I suppose that some people value their time while other’s time is worthless.

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This is not true, much like about half of what you say. But this at least I could understand you thinking that rather than realizing that people are just alt-f4-ing when the loading screen gets stuck, because it’s server side and sometimes it will literally never get unstuck.

they should be booted as sometimes it happens. the one waiting deserve the free win. I had someone do that and then he even manages to win after 5 min waiting and I didn’t quit maybe he expected opponent to quit - that happens too. Or someone’s terrible lag (idk if graphics lag of enemy player can affect you too ) and they are A move race just win with this.

I have no idea what you are trying to say here.

An opponent keeps you waiting for 5 mins at loading screen…
Then they do not quit (you think they unplugged or somth) - they might even lag again during game. But then they win, turns out it’s a smurf, and you lose MMR after waiting for him. They just better quit when they cant enter the game for 5 mins or be booted. And if someone’s lag comes from graphics idk if t hat affects the opponent or the connection.

i’ve honestly never had this happen… almost 30k games played.

how many times does this happen to you that it’s a problem?

It’s very rare but it’s like such troll opponents when it happens

I understand why you care because it can be annoying. I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal when someone alt+f4s out of the loading screen. Even on one of my busiest days I couldn’t care less. It’s not like it always happens though. Just better things to do than spend energy being aggravated.

I’d say it’s very rare unless someone in your league deliberately does this to you.

It happens commonly in Co-op when someone doesn’t want to play the Random CO and/or Random Map they end up with.

I’ve also had it happen from time to time in the Arcade when someone joins a map, map starts in 5 seconds and they get thrown right into the loading screen.

One thing I have noticed about the game is that on some rigs (regardless of how good the rig is) the first game you play in a session will load noticeably slower than the rest. I figure it’s probably due to the game dumping data into the computer’s ram, only has to do it once until the ram is flushed.

Not to say that old/slow rigs wouldn’t load slower as well, of course.

Pretty sure when that happens it’s usually server side. Considering it happens to me when 1v1ing friends occasionally where we both have top end PCs and fiber internet, and yet game 2 out of 6 took much longer to load than all the other games combined.

I don’t see why there would be a correlation, usually smurfs wouldn’t be people with bad internet, and deffinately wouldn’t be trying to make it bad, people trying to make it bad would be people trying to rank higher than their skill by making opponents quit. Smurfs are trying to get their MMR down, not up.

Nope, doesn’t. Just connection speed and amount of stuff going on.

This issue clearly has never happened to you therefore you should keep your opinion to yourself ^^

“You are apathetic to what happened, therefore you never experienced it.”

You are a clown.

loading screen lag is caused by how long it takes to load. that is usually caused by a slow harddrive. in co-op however: if one player takes too long to load, that player gets kicked. that happened to me a lot on my toshiba laptop because its harddrive is too slow(i got kicked for being slow).

“Just better things to do than spend energy being aggravated.”