Ladder win-rates per race per league:
Notice a pattern? P>T>Z.
Ladder representation per race per league:
Notice a pattern? P>T>>>>Z in GM. T>P>Z in Masters. Z>P>T in Diamond. Clearly Zergs from masters are being mass demoted to diamond.
Rank history of masters league:
Thus we’ve proven Zerg is heavily disadvantaged in win-rates in the upper leagues and is also heavily under-represented in all higher leagues except diamond but most especially the most prestigious league of Grandmaster, where Protoss utterly dominates. Zerg leads in Diamond only due to mass demotions of zergs from masters and mass promotions of protoss to masters.
Note that the matchmaker system promotes/demotes players to equalize win-rates towards 50/50, so these win-rates are quite likely MUCH more skewed if you take into account the equalizing effect that the ladder has.
Sorry all the Protoss on this forum are convinced the race is weak no matter what data you show them. They still think Serral winning tournaments somehow makes their race weak.
Sentry, this is the second post in a week that makes me break the quarantine to buy a new keyboard…
I spilled the coffee when read this post.
I wish it was me to have that idea…
…SHatZ under express order of His Excellency Dr. Goba will defend the interests of the Zerg Race in the New Balance Team! He will be allowed to bring a zerg specialist with him (BatZ need not apply).
At the level’s he chose to show, sure. You might ask yourself:
Where did he even get the info on all these games, maybe he’s right, maybe he’s not, but at the very least if you’re going to make a claim, you should back it up.
Why did he chose these leagues? His data makes sense, Zerg has more and more and more representation the higher the league goes, he starts counting their win rates once their slide to more even representation starts. It doesn’t take a genius to understand why.
Zerg has a lower skill floor to reach Platinum and Diamond Leagues, at the Masters and GM league, Zerg starts to even out. God forbid he mention anything about that.
Zerg is greatly under-represented in GM right now. I highly doubt that they lose almost 16% representation because the other races are just magically more skilled, but you still have to look at the entire picture, not just what shows you what you want to demonstrate.
It’s not about skill or Races being OP, just a bit of hysteria that moves 6% of GM Zergs (i in 20 players) to switch to Protoss. Now the Protoss advantage (in rapresentation) goes +12% (GM stay in GM and push down LOW GM to Master).
Can you provide the win-rates for non-mirror match-ups? The overall win-rate data includes a lot of noise that can create a misleading impression. For instance, a race that is favored in one match-up and disfavored in the other can easily obtain a higher overall win-rate than the other races if it is more often matched against the race that it is favored against.
You spent 173737 words. Speaking how ladder winrate is not important. Then say bigger picture? You want smaller picture. Which is easier to hammer into mold.