Lack of players! Suggestion Add Allied Bots

There is a lack of players for co-op missions…

A solution that I’d like to suggest is AI bots that play the missions alongside you. That way even if there isn’t really any players then one could always load up a game with a bot and still work towards leveling their characters.

PS Suggestion… the AI Bots available are specifically those characters that have been maxed out to level 15. So that way it isn’t like a dead weight when you are playing with bots.

Though what are the player numbers for StarCraft 2 anyhow?

Looks like you are somewhat new to these forums so there is something you should probably know. Something unfortunate. The game is currently not development anymore. Thus unless development resumes again there will be no new updates unfortunately. Aside from maybe a few small bug fixes here. And the balance council usually has to beg blizzard to do it.

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plus i dont know how you can say theres a lack of coop players, it only takes about 5 min max on most coop to find a game. maybe theres not enought high ranked players playing cause you know once you cap everything theres really no point in even playing so your pretty much gonna get stuck with noobs or mids trying to rank the commanders up for the most part

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It would be better for one player to just control both COs, like what happens when your ally leaves/drops. You can try asking on the chat to see if someone’s willing to form a party, join, start a game, and then immediately drop when a game starts.

As for changes… see comment about no more development on this game.

Another question is what server and difficulty level are you playing on? Are you playing on the Mutation tab (doesn’t sound like it, but just wanna be sure)? Myself, I’m on the Americas server and used to play (regular) Brutal. There, I can get matched in 5 seconds, to a minute, during peak to “off hours”. Brutal+… typically 15 seconds to a few minutes. Brutation (brutal Mutation)… few minutes.

I’m told that 90% of the player base is on Brutal difficulty level.

I play even though I’m at lv1000. In fact, I’ve noticed quite a few people who were also maxed out at lv1K! (a neat kinship if ya ask me :slight_smile: ) I tried to do another round of mastery on the Europe server but had to “nope” out of that. It became too much of a time sink. On the Americas with everything maxed out, there’s no commitment, making it far more casual

I’m betting the OP is playing at hard or lower. Most coop players are at Brutal and beyond which is why I also made the move to brutal. Queue times can take up to 3-5 mins on hard on my server before I decided to move up.

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I find matches on brutal within 10 to 15 seconds almost routinely.

I’ve been prestiging my commanders for the past few weeks and I was playing Hard until level 7-12 (depending on the commander) then switching to Brutal.

This is the typical queue times I observed:
Random Hard - 10 sec
Random Brutal - 5 sec
Mutation Hard - 30 sec for first 2 days of Mutation, >2 mins otherwise
Mutation Brutal - 20 sec

I wouldn’t want to play a game with a bot just to shorten those queue times.