Katowice the protoss just plain suck

Damn all these Protoss getting stomped by Terran and Zerg alike. They do suck… HerO lost first game to Dark. Both to banes drop. Dude doesnt even move the workers… jesus… why are all Protoss players so bad ? This is not balance. This is just that they suck

Edit: on second game 3 Disruptors lost due to bad rally… LMAO

Showtime the ony good Protoss. Hope he makes it after Dark/Reynor

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The most frustrating part about this to me is that 3 things happened here:

  1. HerO knew there were banes on the map because he’d seen them when his third was attacked.
  2. HerO saw the dropperlord come in to the main base, and his immediate reaction was to warp in 2 zealots. Now, feasibly it could have been a ling drop, but more likely is the banes because you know banes are on the map. And it’s not a medivac, so it’s not got the same in-and-out speed that they have, giving him significantly more time to react.
  3. He completely ignores the need to pull away from his mineral line at minimum, or split the probes to mitigate damage.

He knew it was coming. He knew almost certainly that it was banes inside. He knew his third base was unsalvagable and chose instead to ignore the more pressing drop in the main in favour of… killing a spore-crawler with 3 oracles.

This is exactly the sort of thing people talk about when they say that “Protoss players just aren’t as good”.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely some issues, but I legitimately feel that there is a genuine lack of great Protoss players to match the likes of Serral, Reynor, Dark and Clem.

The only one I can think of that might be up there is MaxPax, since he regularly beats Reynor Clem and Dark in online tournaments, but he refuses to compete in offline tournaments.

Yeah HerO’s decitions are like wtf… also the spore attack when it was free Drone’s season …

Also on second game there were at least a few disruptors that also got lucky there was a prism comming.

Dude is good mechanically… and with aggression and gateway play he can go far. But not very far …

ShowTime on the other hand. Looking very good

Just finished watching Cure vs herO. It is unbelievable how poorly herO played. He absolutely deserved to lose:

  • game no 3. Cure was ahead but decided to make some stupid doom drop which did not work at all and herO sniped his medivacs with blink stalkers, and that won him the game.
  • game no 4. - herO did not scout Cure’s proxy rax plus he defended that terribly by pulling all of his probes and he cancelled robo then cancelled twilight being very indecisive. Diamond protosses defend proxy rax better than this.
  • game no 5. herO went for stargate opener plus hidden gold base then he made some stupid attack at Cure’s natural which was a disaster, and from that point it was clear the game is over. Cure easily scouted the gold base not letting him mine, and then just obliterated herO’s entire army.

If you play this crappy don’t be surprised toss cannot win premier tournament.

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The initial defense was the right thing to do in pulling the probes. The thing that killed him was the indecision that followed. He literally went robo, canceled the robo, went twilight, cancelled the twilight, then went stargate.

Literally repeated the strategy from game 2. When it was scouted, Cure reacted differently and HerO suicided into the natural, only to Badly miss-micro the attack. Frankly having stalkers there would have been much better too, instead of having Adepts; though I’m not sure he could have afforded them.

HerO is the best Protoss player right now aside from maybe Classic - who didn’t qualify - and MaxPax… who doesn’t compete offline, even if he qualifies.

When HerO is on the ball, he’s arguably one of the best players on the planet and really can compete with the likes of Serral, Maru, Reynor, Dark and Clem. But when he’s not… well, he makes gargantuan mistakes consistently that are questionable at best and game-losing at worst.

At this point when IEM Katowice is over for ALL (!) protosses we can blindly assume that most recent balance patch didn’t do :poop: to help toss win tournaments.

Nerfing EMP was completely pointless because many terran victories occured with little to no ghosts. Best terrans simply beat protosses with sheer army size and excellent splits. Oftentimes bio army well controlled, supported with few libs or vikings is far more devastating than even 15 ghosts.

Toss needs something more than just EMP nerf.

I mean, frankly speaking, Toss needs a straight up redesign, but it’s far to late in the game for that.


At one point one of the casters showed he legit uses 1 army hotkey. Whatever he last controlled, he hotkeys it so he can go back to it. Other than that, he uses f2 and box select. By contrast, there is no way I, as a zerg main, could get my 5190 mmr, that I have right now, without 4 army hotkeys (main army, secondary army / counter attack / spellcasters, nydus or dropalord, queens, on 1/2/3/4 respectively).

It’s amazing how high you can get as protoss without the same level of mechanical effort as what is frankly just required for zerg and terran. I think players who are less mechanically gifted tend to prefer protoss just because it doesn’t have that same emphasis on mechanics. That’s why even really talented protoss have an affinity for deathballing, when there are other options. You can multiprong as protoss, but when they multiprong it’s always a zero micro unit on attack #2 so it doesn’t have to be managed.

Protoss units are high supply cost and they move slow, and that means there fewer units to macro, fewer units to micro, fewer units to position, and lots of time to react to events since they are bulky and slow moving. Protoss is designed from the ground up to play at a slower pace. As zerg, your entire army can die to a bad move command in the same time period a toss can oopsie walk into tanks and back off. Immortals, archons etc are really slow and really durable, while zerg and terran units are fast and fragile.

This limits top tier protoss because in being easier they also have less refinement capability. A zerg can decide to make 4 banes, 1 bane and 3 lings, 2 banes and 2 lings, etc, for the same option protoss has which is just one decision aka making a zealot. It’s easier, but it handicaps top protoss. The same goes for positioning. There are fewer positioning options available, and that makes it easier but also handicaps it at the highest levels. The same goes for army movements. Slower armies are easier to manage but have fewer options in what positions they can occupy.

Translation, you can simultaneously nerf and buff protoss if you just add more options. It’s literally that simple.

I thought you were 4.5 -4.6 with your SLAMMER account LOL. Can you show us your main account with 5190 MMR please ?

On a side not i agree what you wrote about protoss. Buffing protoss units will not help because beset terrans and zergs will still find a way to deal with new changes. Just like they nerfted EMP - terrans responded with cyclone pressure in the early game so by the time T gets significant amount of ghosts toss is already dead.

* doing 1 base hive rushes, yes.

No you’re lying. You were legit 4.5k with standard gameplay. I watched your games on other players’ streams, neuro for example.

Don’t tell me you’re 4.5 k if you play like this (i had a good laugh on this one):
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIoZcSGasuQ&ab_channel=PiG

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I have like 50 accounts. Bowlcut and slammer are only two. I recently posted screenshots from boosting an account I hadn’t played on in over 12 years.

Here you go. This is only one account I have in GM, and it’s in top 100:


(You can tell it’s top 100 gm by the type of gm badge, which has wings but no star)

  1. winning with only ultralisks was the challenge.
  2. it was the end of a 7 hour stream and about 5 hours past my typical bed time + after a beer.
  3. kawain is a 5800 mmr semi pro player who was smurfing at a lower alt account, 99% of the time I win that game despite the “ultralisk only” limitation. Kawian managed to win that because he’s actually pretty close to my normal try hard mmr.

Only a bnet internet lunatic could look at a game where I almost beat a 5800 mmr terran with ultralisks only and say “yeah this guy is lying about being a high grandmaster”. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: Do you know how insanely hard it is to beat a 5800 terran without proper anti air? That game is a perfect example of just how impossible it is.

Don’t believe me? Ok here you go:


There is a certain point where you get so good at SC you either have to go pro and win a premier (waste of time) or you have to add artificial restrictions to make the game more interesting. I decided with the latter option because SC2 is a way I kill time and have some fun. I was losing interest in it because it was too EZ, and I needed a way to revitalize it before it slipped away for good. Pro play is hard, but it’s also way too repetitive, so I wasn’t going to go pro. That’s why I created SLAMMER: ape builds with ape talk & trying to get gm with those absurd builds. That’s literally the entire point of the meme. We’re gonna play like an ape and we’re talk like an ape and we’re gonna take 5800 mmr terrans to the late game with ultras only through the sheer might of skill.

I was making every kind of build work, so kept upping the ante until I eventually landed on a 1 base hive rush. I only beat a single GM terran with it. We tried probably 50 times to make that build work and that is why SLAMMER’s mmr is low. I kept saying all I wanted to do was get 1 GM with it and we’d retire the build. Boom, build retired and I am back in top 100 gm. :partying_face:


You lost interest becuase you were so bad you were stuck at 4.9k MMR and could not improve no matter what. At some point you accused Psy and Neuro of cheating (both videos are available on youtube), and many years ago somebody created a thread titled "real replays from tehbatz’ where you were exposed multiple times with things like “4 hatches before pool vs BattlePants’s proxy rax”) and many more.

You complained about BCs teleporting at zerg main at 5.40 meanwhile zerg can get 3 ultras at 6:40 with proxy nydus - seems fair right ?
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DERnanY3BEA&ab_channel=uThermal

You are a loser incapable of improvement and you desperately seek attention. Being this “talented” (as you claim you are) i wouldn’t waste my time and straight up went into pro-play to win some tournament but we both know this is far beyond your reach. You’re just some mediocre M1/low GM player who out of boredom is trolling people on this forum just to get some dopamine maybe ? But your antics don’t work against me.

Careful what you say, boy. I have my personal reputation attached to your factually and verifiably wrong statements. You were just shown a screenshot and posted a blatant lie in response. How do you want me to respond to that, except to conclude you are a vehement liar?

Oof, the troll is really jealous now. As soon as you get them spouting lies you know they’re mad, lmao.

What are you talking about, dude? If anything, they need to delete the queen. I’ve said it for years. Delete the queen and I will make GM terrans cry balance by countering bcs with ravagers. It doesn’t matter to me. Balance is irrelevant. They nerfed zerg again, protoss is 2x as numerous as zerg in gm, and I am dabbing on noobs with meme builds at a top 100 gm rank. You think I care about BALANCE? Let’s get a round of applause for this guys astounding logical skills :clap:

Hey abs my alt account has a message for you <3


His claims are now wrong, with video proof, what will the troll do next? Stay tuned!

I also accused Incontrol too. His response was the funniest. He looked at the camera, made his eyes go cross-eyed, and said “I"M A HACKER, GUYS” and he moved on with his life. The testosterone in that beast was intense. Literally the only high T caster in the entire pro scene. The world lost a great man when he passed. :saluting_face:

You guys are just way too sensitive. The proper word is probably effeminate, but who knows what’s happening on your side of the keyboard. Honestly, you might be as big of a troll as I am. You gotta respect the hustle. But, in my years of experience, I get the feeling you’re a little too much on the serious side. You’ve got a real chip on your shoulder. I am just exisiting on a video game forum and you got this list of all the bad things I’ve done, like anyone cares, lmao. You’re the only one who cares dude. :rofl:

I have had crazy ex girlfriends who make lists of all the bad things I’ve done and it’s like OK time to block this chick, right. But out of nowhere I have a new crazy ex girlfriend on the internet who is mad at me for what. I didn’t even know we were in a relationship, sweetheart. I can’t break your heart if I didn’t know it was mine to begin with.

Oh man I missed this jab. Does this guy actually think this is smart or something. Video games are designed around the cognitive abilities of children. That’s a fact. I design games for a living. Children have drastically lower cognitive abilities than adults. Any game a child does well, an adult would do better. It’s just the facts. That’s why there are 12 year old GMs in sc2. Is sc2 hard? Do you think that same 12 year old could program a game engine or win a court case or do something truly hard? They don’t allow 12 year olds to operate meat slicers at restaurants, but we are supposed to believe a game that 12 year olds excel at is … hard? That makes no sense. Video games are not hard, and it blows my mind that I have to explain that to you. Frankly, I thought it was common knowledge that they are designed to be easy so that they attract children who are, by definition, the only ones with time to play them. I guess common sense isn’t as common as I thought. :person_shrugging:

Lmfao. Imagine if video games were actually hard. Could you imagine a 12 year old kid crying about SC2 like he cries about having to do his homework? SC2 is hard!!! Delusional.


Thank you very much for 1000000 TLDR posts. I have had very bad humor this day, you made me laugh again.

Btw how does it feel to be narcisstic and delusional at the same time ? You know people perceive you as “laughing stock \ village idiot of SC2” right ? Your claims over the internet are legendary. At this point i don’t even know how to respond to your absurd statements.

Something tells me you never had a girlfriend (at least not some serious relationship). Do you honestly believe any woman on earth would hang with a guy like you who comes to bnet forum to post some troll comments every day ? Really ? Of course i’m not gonna ask you to give proofs of your “relationship” because that’s impossible.

Well i think it is. If SC2 is easy and getting GM is effortless than me and other 99.8% of all SC2 players on the planet must be complete trash then, because i am nowhere near GM atm. Btw you do realize that

  • GM player in theory is better than 99.8 % of all players,
  • master is better than 95 % and
  • diamond 2 like me is better than 82 % of all players.
    GM is reserved to only 0.2% of all population - so yeah i agree with you it’s very easy.

“If you cannot get GM in SC2 - you’re garbage” - i get you - tell that to all 99.8% of SC2 population.

I don’t know you personally but all your activies and posts on this forum suggest that you have severe mental issues (narcissism, delusions, desperate need of attention) and you’d better address those issues fast ! If you don’t you will never get out of your misery.
Consider some therapy at psychiatric clinic. Best of luck.

  • Makes a list of every time someone has offended him in the past 10 years and for literally no purpose except to attack someone else.
  • Calls the other person a narcissist.

Do we have any self awareness here? Clearly not.

I literally can’t keep the chicks off me. I was raised by several sisters. I got to watch their highschool relationships and drama play out in real time. I got it all mapped out. You find the things the laddies like, like bright colors, and you head to the places the laddies are at, like the ballroom class, and you smile and you say hi and you remember their name for the next time. It’s easy as pie. Anyone can do it. You do this experiment several times. You watch. Some will be more receptive and others will be less. The most receptive one you ask out. It’s a piece of cake.

If a chick starts asking about anything related to money, blacklist her. She’s a gold digger. A casual compliment is fine. “Nice watch” etc. If she asks how much it costs, bam, instant red flag. This is good life advice. Anytime anyone asks how much something costs, always lowball it. If it’s a rolex, say you got it at walmart. It’s the best way to keep the gold diggers away.

Yes and you are offended that someone could have such disdain as to think your holy grail accomplishment of Grandmaster is easy. And so you have to attack him for it. It’s called bravado, kiddo. It’s not meant to be taken seriously. You’re not supposed to get mad at it. You’re clearly not old enough to drink beer, because you’d get into a fistfight in a split second at a bar. This kind of talk is common place in that setting. So, that really tells the age of your posts. Attack me all you want. An adult can see through your BS as clear as day.

Sadly i’m 41 and i wish i was 20 years younger, i’d changed lots of things in my life. I don’t drink alcohol because of several reasons - health as well as fact that alcohol is nothing more than just cheap remedy for people’s daily problems and issues. Instead of addressing someone’s own issues and combating they prefer so that alcohol “solves” their problems.

Maybe for teenage girls in high school it works this way but not for adult women, at least not in my country. Women these days are super demanding. Cash of course is super important but not even mountain of cash is going to get you a girl if you look like :poop: and don’t have appropriate status.
Do you think i’m stupid - if i see she is on for money i immediately ignore her.
Don’t pretend you know how women work. Majority of men these days are single incels incapable of finding relationship just because of reasons i mentioned above.

LOL dude this is literally what you’ve been telling anyone on this forum for years “SC2 is easy”, “game is ez pz that i need to try out some troll strats like proxy swarm host vs 5800 terrans to get some exciment”. Your claims alone are the proof of your incapability to understand mindset of players in lower league. Not everyone is a 24/7 nerd chained to a monitor playing this one video game for years. I for example used to play SC2 - 3-6 hours a day in my most active periods. So spare me your wax sh.t that game is easy. To get GM (and maintain it ) you need to dedicate your whole life and restrict your daily activities to eating food and going to toilet.

Kid legit called me an incel because I said GM was EZ PZ and he wants me to believe he’s 41 years old. This guy is 12 maximum. I’ve had my fun, but at this point it’s just mean. I am not a mean person. I am not going to torture this kid anymore. Adios.

P.S: A dab a day keeps the haters away!


No i never called you an incel. I said MAJORITY of men these days are incels. Stop putting my own words out of context. Yes i am 41. What makes you think i would fall for you trolling behaviour ?

Have a nice day with plenty of your women and lot of wins with proxy swarm hosts and other troll strats vs 5.8k terrans :smiley: