Jailing Alarak - Why?

Why do people “jail” Alarak within plyons to use P3 as Mothership-only play? It’s so lame I find myself wanting to free the High Lord.


Because Alarak rush deep enough in enemy lines to take massive damage, but not deep enough to not slaughter his own fleet for his survival.
It is wise to jail him if for any reason, one don’t feel up to keep him under control.
Anyone can have its own circumstances.

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That’s why providing some healing or passive regen is the best compliment to alarak. Medics, dehaka, karax repair…

Or… IDK maybe have some supplicants for him to sacrifice first to prevent that from happening? Some havocs would do wonders for the low DPS destroyers too.

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True but some general support is also appreciated imo

Why? Because not using F2+amove is too hard. :slight_smile:

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This exactly which makes it a bit sad tbf. The only thing they already have to do is control their deathfleet and apparently ctrl-1 and when they add a voidray shift 1 is too hard to do :confused: . Instead they cage Alarak.

I agree, Alarak didn’t deserve this injustice. Let’s vow being obliged to an oath whenever we see him caged, we have to send a batallion of freedom fighters to liberate him from evil :stuck_out_tongue:

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To be fair, Alarak used to be one of those commanders that was simply too hard to play for the average person. Not only he’s very volatile (he can eat your entire army if you’re not careful), but his most powerful build is combining Ascendants with Alarak (and most players seem to avoid non-heroic spellcasters).

With the Mothership prestige added, at least people are willing to play him again, even if they do it by cutting their power in half.


But I thought even in P3 people would use Ascendants, therefore enough Supplicants like any other strategy to keep Alarak alive.

Ascendant play with P3 is great, the Mothership helps deal with the issues the build has.

But then there’s the allure of those rather not great (outside specific situations) Destroyers to go with the momma. They are fun to use, though…

a few destroyers complement by providing constant (rather than burst) multitarget dps, even though said dps per supply isnt particularly great
they compliment wrathwalkers/ascendants pretty well though

I’d say for the most part it’s consistent single target damage they do alright for, the split beam is pretty much just for show unless you mass them. (they do something around 1 dps for any target beyond the primary.)

Does Havoc add damage to each bounce too, or just the first hit?

And if it’s H/H Raven?

Take all this with a grain of salt, I’ve not tested to confirm:

According to sources I’ve found, the bounce beam does 1 [+2 vs armour] as a beam weapon (so two attacks a second no matter what).

However, it’s affected by armour, and not affected by upgrades (I do know this for certain)

What it means is against a 0 armour target you get 2 dps, technically 6 versus 0 armour armoured units (however many actually exist…)

1 armour means they do minimum damage (0.5), thus the 1 dps.

Havocs won’t do much to help, since it gives +15% increase, at best that’s 0.45 extra per shot versus armoured units.

Ravens will, but late game there’s too much armour to push through and do more than minimum damage for the most part.

Of course, 20 destroyers does mean 20dps in an area. Not bad against infested and the like at high numbers. But it’s just chip damage otherwise.

They should have fix his P3 when the added disadvantage when Alarak will not be available in combat.

This is exactly what Alarack would do though. He would send in someone else as long as he wins in the end. Doesn’t matter if it’s not “Honourable”. Read this


I agree.
Back then before I burned out myself from CO-OP I loved to play him and had remember how to perfectly lay out the base for having enough warp gates etc.
I now I still play him bad but his edge made it a blast together while playing with him as an anouncer.
Now I am back to play CO-OP and while I love him from style and flavour I really think he is to hard for me to play efficient as I am more of a slow poke.

Not using Alarak is crazy. Destruction Wave alone is a ridiculous tool and worth keeping him around for.

I would describe myself as “competent.” Not good, but I can beat most of the brutations and I have a lot of hours in this game. Alarak is the only protoss commander I’ll play. P3’s best F2 + A army comp by far is mothership + alarak + supplicants + havocs + wrathwalkers. Throw in some Destroyers too, but Destroyers kinda stink so I don’t think they should be overinvested in. Alarak and supplicants tank, mothership and wrathwalkers absolutely melt everything in their path. It’s a great comp.

Personal pet peeve? When people make pure air comps on defense missions (MO and ME in particular). No, your dumb planes aren’t going to stop 100 supply worth of ground units before they start eating the thing we’re supposed to protect.

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group them separately. Alarak+grnd units and death fleet. Jailing Alarak in inorder to do mindless F2 limits P3 potential.

Sometimes I jail Alarak when Running p1. It is kind of interesting playing games while intentionally removing one of your core mechanics.