I've just started leaving vs protoss

imgur. com/a/ZqFM5v3

I probably should at this point. Even with how RNG TVT is. I had to be afk for 15 seconds and get 3 barrack Reaper rushed in order to lose one game at this MMR.

Lol that sucks. If a toss is over 5.1k I just leave vs them. I can easily beat a 5500 zerg or terran about 50% of the time and a 6k z/t about 1/3rd the time but a >5.1k protoss is literally impossible to beat. The one thing they want is the satisfaction of winning, and I deny them that by spamming f10+n at the start of the game. They have to sit in the queue for another 5 minutes before finding a match, so it’s costly for them in time too.

Demuslim had a nice 3 reaper into hellion drop TvT opener that obliterates most people, but you have to be good at running the reapers around and creating chaos so that when the hellion drop arrives he is so frazzled you kill 15 scvs. Then you follow it up with a stiff 2 base allin.

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Honestly can’t remember the last time I lost to an M3 Terran or Zerg. Protoss? I’ve literally lost to as low as D2 (might’ve been smurfing, but I lose to D1 Protoss all the time.

I don’t really have any trouble with TVT.

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Good question but Serral is an outlier. Including him in statistics just breaks the data set lol.

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Tell me about it. https://i.imgur.com/AA9rj3O.png. 400 mmr difference, 120 apm protoss who masses skytoss. In some discord chat somewhere the balance counsel said:

“Oh no! SC2 popularity is plummeting and we are losing youtube viewers! What is the cause!!!”
“Clearly there aren’t enough protoss in the gsl finals, that’s the resaon!”

They literally killed the GSL with this conversation, by the way. There are rumors that this last season of the gsl was the final season. They had a 10x drop in funding. Some people are saying they have new esl or saudi funding, who knows, but this GSL was definitely the worst on record. Yeah so there is a reddit post telling the gsl funding over time:

2017 - 600k.
2018 - 600k.
2019 (protoss imbalance starts) - 500k.
2020 (PvP becomes more common than TvZ in the pro scene) - 500k.
2021 - 400k.
2022 - 400k.
2023 (game hits record low number of games played since 2017) - 150k.
2024 (protoss imbalance hits all time high at 50% of EU gm & win 42% of esl cups, zero zergs make it to the round of 8 of StarsWars) - 45k.

Man, it’s a real head scratcher. What is causing SC2 esports to collapse. Hmmm. I just can’t figure it out. I am just too stupid to comprehend the importance of having a protoss win the gsl.


  1. http://aligulac.com/periods/277/
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft2/comments/1ahbcw1/the_end_of_gsl/

Fun fact, when Serral was accidentally marked as “inactive” on Aligulac, it shifted zerg from “leading” to “lagging”:


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