It's over for Protoss in PvT



Nope you cant. Do you know how long it takes to reach blink in optimal conditions what timing your looking at? The standard opener for PvT is 3gate blink 2 base. teching into collosi or ht. Terran will hit before collosi is up or storm is done with a bigger army.

Added to that as a protoss you are forced to go double upgrades if you want to make the game go late. Check the cost and tech path for all that. See how many units u can make.

dude u talking about the gimmicky 3 rax timing? if u killed 30 scvs which u claim,you can just sacrifice ur 3rd pull back to your nat and hold comfortably behind shield batteries

Timing wise i cannot even THINK about a third. The new stim timing hits before u can even GET a third. it hits approx when charge is halfway CHRONOBOOSTED.

also i told u the timing in the OP 2rax.

the timing wont hit before 5 mins,and by that time you are supposed to be half way into your 3rd,or what level are you playing? guess there is plenty of room to improve then

That timing hits at 4 min

then it has no combat shields and marines will just drop like flies

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Look at his profile, he doesnā€™t play a game at all. His account was specifically created to stir Terran vs Protoss and Zerg vs Protoss whine threads up artificially.

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No the timing at 4 min hits with concussive shells, 6 marines 2 marauder. wich you have to respect since you have no upgrades at all yet

Then transitions into full 5rax allin with stim at 6 min.

You can beat that with adepts and sentries with SBā€™s

And then you die to the follow up push because youve waisted all your gas into sentries wich should go to tech. and u wasted minerals building shield batteries AND adepts.

Also adepts are horrible versus marauders as a side note

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You build the adepts vs the marines, and just use a sentry or two for FF and GS.

SBā€™s are a good investment if you can get 1-2 out in time.

2 sentry is 200 gas wich you dont have.

SBā€™s are forced because of how early it hits. but cuts down your gateway production so you have even less units at 6 min.

Post the replay of the timing that made you do all this rageposting.

Adepts arenā€™t even that good vs marines. They have less range and waste a ton of damage because of the ridiculous overkill, and they just get kited down with conc shells. Thereā€™s a reason pros pretty much only make stalkers in the early game PvT: they can kite marines and trade pretty evenly with marauders pre-stim.

When 6 marines/2 marauders w/ conc shells hits, the protoss will only have 2-3 units out if they were going for an FE, which 6 marines/2 marauders will kill easily with conc shells unless thereā€™s a battery. If the protoss has a battery, the initial pressure should be pretty easily defended with 2 gates and some extra batteries built behind that, but if thereā€™s no battery, itā€™s probably just GG.

Itā€™s a cheesy sort of pressure build, and one thatā€™s always been pretty good vs Protoss, but can be easily defended with a couple of batteries if scouted. It can hit as early as ~3:30 game time with an expansion or more tech behind it without any proxy buildings. With the current meta being pretty greedy for Protoss with a fast expand on 1-gate, 3 rax openers with fast conc shells are probably quite good at any level of play, as long as youā€™re not giving the protoss an easy scout, and most 1 base Terran openers are fast tech with widow mine drops or something, so if you do the normal wall with a reactor barracks, they probably wonā€™t expect it.
A reaper scout probably isnā€™t worth it with this sort of build, because it delays the initial push, so thatā€™s one thing that can tip the protoss player off.

Eh, not really. If you have batteries and 3-4 gates or 2-3 gates and a robo/stargate, you should be able to hold the follow-up pretty easily, since your eco should be stronger and you can chrono units.

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Well i did forget to mention in the OP the 6 minute timing also included him pulling his scv.

That is a pretty big thing to not mention and tell people that the Terran went for a SCV all-in. Something massively different than what you described.

Another reason for you to post the replays

Also his unit count was about twice as big as mine if you need to know. i had immortal tech when he hit. Also had blink.

To your replays thing.


He macroā€™d

So how can you prove the game happened as you say it is if you refuse to show anyone the replays?.

I dont need to prove anything to the likes of you. Now go outside and seek counselling