Its not Zerg, its Serral

So, if anyone saw Master’s Colliseum, Hero pretty much destroyed every Zerg… Everyone but Serral …

So before ranting Zerg is OP… (i think Zerg and Terran are fine, its just Protoss that sucks in some areas)… just because Serral wins… it is not…

He is just the BEST player

Hero also played really bad and won a lot despite it. It was funny watching the casters try to explain how hero can win despite making basic mistakes like losing 4 oracles in a single game. It was always some feng shui BS about killer instinct or something. Reality check, protoss is good at amoving to free wins. It’s not killer instinct, it’s “I have an unstoppable army and can win if I attack, and anyone with eyes can see it.”

They just don’t want to admit the blindingly obvious truth that protoss has lower peak skill representation compared to zerg and terran. Balance clearly favors protoss, that’s why they dominate anything outside peak skill representation, like GM and esl cups, they just don’t have an absolute titan player like Serral. Zerg has several of these players, terran has a couple, and protoss have zero. It’s a skill issue; please stop balancing around the outliers of outliers.

Protoss can always win a premier tournament in the future if they practice hard. They make it deep in tournaments despite many unforced errors, and if they polish their gameplay a bit then it’s totally conceivable they can beat serral.

If he is so good, then why does he suck at ZvZ ? Pretty much almost every time he got eliminated its because of either Reynor, Rogue or other zergs. Serral rarely loses because of T/P. Zerg is overpowered since 2017 at pro level and i agree that protoss sucks but mostly because of zerg being OP, if PvZ was balanced protoss would not struggle at premier tournaments.

Deal with your delusions sometimes.

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Tighter variance in zvz is proof of this theory, not in contradiction to it.

Conclusions based upon data are not “delusions,” they are reality. You cannot have protoss dominate gm, while top protoss throw oracles for free, without protoss having a balance advantage. Literally no other combination of parameters can produce this outcome except higher average performance coupled with lower peak skill.

The balance counsel knows this. That’s why they nerfed intercepor AI and removed permanent mothership cloaking, for example. They are trying to reduce the average protoss performance while increasing the peak. The problem is that they care more about the peak than they do the average. It’s obvious what their priorities are.

Zerg is 22% of GM while protoss is 40%. There are almost 2 protoss gms for every 1 zerg. A zerg or a terran will win IEM, and there will be a torrent of protoss whine on social media. It’s important to see past the delusional conspiracy theories and rely on the facts and the facts alone. The more protoss is buffed, the fewer people who play the game. Players are voting with their feet, and I don’t think the game can survive another round of zerg nerfs.

I actually didnt have thia take. I agree…

Hero sucked but still managed to win

For me the best Protoss by far right now is Parting… the raw skill is there. He is just adapting to the new things…

Stats beat serral before many of the recent zerg nerfs, but I think he’s out of practice. He just got out of the military. Parting is great, but his strength has always been pvt and his weakness pvz. Parting had the highest recorded vs t of any player in history at one point. That said, the mmr system is contracting (lower variance) so maybe stats having 6.2k mmr isn’t indicative of his skill level. The gap between him and serral is larger than the margin for error in my estimate so my bet is that, if they meet, serral will win.

This is a good example. Stats took 2 games off serral and barely lost the final game:

With modern protoss and 2018-level stats, stats could win IEM. Hero recently lost 1-5 vs serral and the last time Classic faced serral in the finals it was 0-4. Here is a more recent series between serral and stats (2 years ago):

3-0 in favor of stats.

There’s been nothing but nerfs to zerg since then. Everything from the queen to the infestor to creep to broods. If the stats from a fear years ago teleported into this week’s IEM, he would easily dominate Serral.

What was the map pool back then ? this is one of the most important aspects.

I Think current map pool is so terran favoured. But i may be biased

LOL what ?

Who won 2012 championship with a single strategy - Immortal sentry all-in (a.k.a. “Soul train”) ? Parting was literally bane of all zergs. Scarlett once said that just because of him she would redesign protoss from scratch.

Super simple maps with short rush distances, great siege positions, and amazing drop positions. Winning tvz was as ez as rally, siege, drop.

His vs z rating is pretty low – it and pvp. PvT was his best matchup and what allowed him to punch deep in tournaments. PvT has been nerfed since then, so it’s doubtful he will be as good as before.

I dunno, ive been seeing his streams and im genuinely impressed

Rly because Zerg will win that is proof that toss OP and we should stop being delusional? Conspiracy theories???
And Zerg only having problems vs Z is proof z UP and Toss OP???
This is Terran lvl delusional and im talking Avilo era

Iq problem talk to a therapist, not me

Impressive, true. Impressive enough to beat serral? Probably not.