It seem balanced team play Terran

They nerfed Terran but nerfed every unit that would gain advantage over that. They play for money so they’re not really in balance .

That giving you pay raise but increase inflation at same rate. In the end nothing changes.

They put unit on reactor and made it cheaper and change pop. Terran wasn’t hurting in anti air or long range attack.

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This is so out of the blue and barely forms a coherent thought, let alone a coherent sentence. I can tell you’re complaining about Terran, but beyond that I can’t tell what your issue is or what you’re actually whining about.


The Ghost was nerfed, but most of the Protoss and Zerg units that benefit from it being weaker were not nerfed. Particularly, because general Steady Targeting damage was lowered, Ghosts can no longer efficiently answer certain types of threats, and much more consistently asks you to double-target to get your value kills.

While, yes, the Lurker got a significant nerf, it doesn’t seem game-ending - and both the Lurker and the Ghost can shoot one another while readied, so it’s not that big a deal for those situations?

The other nerfs - Ravens cost 50/50 more to start building and Hellbats don’t murder Zerglings in an area late-game - don’t seem like particularly relevant ones.

While, yes, that tracks, I don’t think it’s as even as you claim - while I agree that a lot of the Terran adjustments aren’t major, the simple matter is that T v Z is pretty keyed on the Ghost.

I agree that the Cyclone stuff seems wholly out of left field and low value as a change direction. I’m personally a fan of it, but that stems from how I like the removal of the lock-on cooldown which is entirely because I’m bad at using a unit that sometimes shoots while moving; not because it’s actually a good thing?

Zerg’s early game is built on queen, but there were still restrictions.
These restrictions are also needed for ghost.

the only unit that benefits from this is ultra. For many, the snip interaction is the same.

You’re right, unnecessary. And takes pressure options.
Instead of changing cyclone, much more interesting changes for WM.

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Well yeah, because queens were, and still are to some extent, brutally oppressive. Queen walks for toss got transfuse nerfed, creep in general being super easy to spread and generally spreading to quickly to control for both protoss and terran, meant that creep got nerfed pretty hard, whole pushes being denied by nothing but mass queen meant that transfuse got nerfed (again)…

The thing about the ghost though is that it is a late-game unit and there’s so many things that can determine late-game success that nerfing one thing to hard (IE slapping the ghost) can be even more detrimental.

And in many cases, Zerg’s success late-game comes down to their success in early game too; how much or how little damage they take economically, their transitions etc.

Lurker benefits significantly from it too. Though it doesn’t change the number of snipes required, it does change how much health it survives with, which means that it stays alive a lot longer in the face of splash damage and other fire from marauders, marines and the like.

Personally I think the cyclone change was pretty dumb IMO. It took away one of the counters for BCs in TvT (which I’m honestly surprised nobody is using more), and gave an early pressure option in the other two races that falls off the cliff only marginally later than the reaper does. Cyclone pressure is so incredibly fickle that it can either do nothing and lose you the game or end the game there and then and there’s pretty much no in-between.

The unit’s redesign is frankly crap IMO, and shouldn’t have been changed. I would personally have preferred that time be put into Protoss.

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queen has been restricted → primarily defense, offensive use reduced, fighting power reduced (heal).
why can’t ghost be made primarily a caster? nerf autoattack, hp down, slower.
or simply, reward the players when they interrupt Steady Targeting. → no energy back, unless T presses interrupt in time.

Alternatively, we can also go the Infested Terran way. first, nerf all units around infestor, like BL. And then we start with tank/ medi/ pf/ lib but this would have a hard impact on the mid game.

this is the case for all races, also with other RTS games.

That’s the point with Ghost’s masses… the moment when the change brings something is rarer than the normal situation.

They already do this - if it’s interrupted, Steady targeting deals no damage. You have a full 1.4 seconds to interrupt or run away, and in both situations, no damage occurs. All it takes is 1 point of damage.

We’ve had this before, not getting energy back. It meant the ghost was legitimately 100% useless.

I wouldn’t mind nerfing its auto attack somewhat.

It only has 100 hp. Infestors have 90 and can be produced en-mass. HTs have 80 HP, much to my surprise. But again, HTs also can be warped in en mass, unlike ghosts. Feasibly you could lower the HP by 10, but against Templar, Max energy ghost will still die in 1 feedback to templar, so that makes little difference. Honestly I don’t think making it have less health is the play. Feasibly you could add a light or an armoured tag to it (it’s Bio/Psionic right now).

The speed is necessary for Ghosts though, specifically for keeping up with bio units.

Something to point out though, this is a false equivalence - the queen is a macro-defensive mechanic. It’s primary usage is for macro, the defensive aspect is secondary due to the limited units that Zerg has access to in the early game (lings, banes, roaches).

It’s vastly different from the roll the ghost fills as an anti-caster late-game damage unit.

Infestor is closer, but even that fills a different roll as a zone-control unit with microbial and fungal, though it also has a secondary roll of neutralizing key targets with Neural.

Ghost arguably is closest to the HT with Storm and feedback being in place of EMP and Steady Targeting, but again, they fill different rolls to some extent as the templar’s main focus is on the squishy DPS units (and casters) where the ghost generally wants to kill the high health units (and casters).

Honestly I disagree with that considering the transitional period. Low ghost counts where you’re sniping off key units like Lurkers while your bio cleans up happens pretty much every time you go into a late-game against Zerg.


Lurkers and Corruptors don’t die to incidental damage plus a snipe; Roaches also can serve as a counter when someone leans too heavily into Ghosts.

But yes, I overstated this, you are right; that’s my bad, thanks for catching it.

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you shouldn’t take things out of context.

I’m not comparing Ghost to queen or any other spell-caster.
I’m just pointing out that Ghost should be brought in one direction, hence the comparison with queen. the same should be done with Ghost.

That’s the “restriction” I’m talking about, limiting Ghost to either caster or fight power.
Example: if Steady targeting returns no or little energy, it limits the caster side of Ghost.
or fight:
first step: we remove the bonus damage against light.
second step: 10(+1) → 8(+1) and cd 1.07 → 1.25, means dps 9.3 → 6.4
third step: adjust values, adjust speed if necessary.

i understand the point and can see it. i would still say again: this also applies to all casters. Mobility is an important point.
HT also has to crawl after his gate army.
and the argument: “P has Warp Prism” is weak because “T has medi”.

Honestly I disagree with that

But unlike prisms, Medivacs are also vulnerable to feedback, hence why ghosts stay grounded, rather than stay in the prisms. Also prisms have 5 pickup range so can stay a lot further back from fights making it less risky to rescue them too.