"It doesn't mean you are smart" - Dr. Richard Haier

You are so far from knowledgeable about chemistry than a graduate from chemistry graduate school, that we can’t even have a conversation about chemistry. The best you can do is pull up obscure chemistry online practice questions, and try to trip me up.

You can’t actually have a discussion on synthetic organic chemistry, much less the niche subject I wrote my successfully defended thesis about.

I’d love to have a discussion on how reactants, temperature, surface area, purification methods, and so on influence research in my field, but you aren’t able to. You simply don’t have the education or knowledge to.

I don’t sit here and pretend I have a PhD knowledge in astrophysics – sometimes you have to acknowledge the experts in their given subjects. That doesn’t mean you can’t disagree with them and give your stance, it just means you should respect peoples credentials and their accomplishments.


You are lying again, don’t you get tired to be wrong in every single post that you make? I already lost count of how many lies you are at.

He’s gonna come with some bs like “chemistry can’t even transform sand into gold” and tell you chemistry is 1000 year old so we should get rid of it.


Kid you’ve never even tried. I once asked you if HDPI reacts with linoleac acid. You gave me a long winded response about how you can’t predict how it will react (literally antithetical to very purpose of chemistry). You then repeatedly violated the definition of “function group” until I linked you to the definition. I realized we were way beyond your understanding so I tried asking you about diluting acetic acid with water, and you, again, spewed a BS answer about how it’s not worth your time to even answer.

It could not be more clear that you have never opened a chemistry book in your life.

That’s exactly what you do. On your Cheezecake account you’re a professor of statistics. On your Mercurial account you’re a meteorologist. On this account you magically become a chemistry grad when you log in.

I know you’re just a roleplayer but what makes you mad is that you roleplay a genius while I actually am one.

You can lie all you want but I have the proof:

“I am a statistics expert, guys!”

“I am NOT a statistics expert, guys!”

You dribbling toddler, I wrote about protecting and functional groups in my thesis in chapter 1 as a preface to my experimental section. Stop pretending you know more than the experts.

You don’t understand graduate level chemistry, and it’s pathetic you even attempt it. Instead of taking the opportunity to learn how research chemistry is done if so interested, you try to tell the researcher he knows nothing because you looked up chemistry on Google.

The arrogance is appalling and the shear stupidity that you expose when you talk about topics you don’t know is almost cringe-worthy.

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Exactly. When you are blabbering about chemistry, without knowing the basics, you look pretty bad. That’s exactly my point. Feel free to answer my question at any time:

You’ve had a month to research the answer. Queue the excuse in 3 2 1…

I’ve answered your chemistry questions in the past and you have no idea what your talking about. We’ve delved deep into the subject. The thread where we talk about your misconception of functional groups is extensive. Your chemistry knowledge is that of a freshman undergrad.


You’d better give up now, Anesthetic. It’s a losing battle.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:



You’re pathologically paranoid, as no one is creating multiple accounts to target you. The world doesn’t revolve around you.

I’m trying to help you if anything. Literally all you need to do is respect peoples credentials, respect opinions that you disagree with, respect other peoples point of view, and don’t act like a know-it-all at every turn.

You can still satisfy your bizarre need to argue and debate by being respectful. Imagine…really imagine…how much people who dislike you less, if you just had an understanding and empathetic interaction with people, instead of a cold, talking to a brick wall, type of discussion.


What? Help me learn Chemistry? LOL. Get a load of this. The guy refusing to answer Chemistry questions says he’s helping me to learn Chemistry!

You don’t want to learn chemistry. You aren’t asking to learn. You are on a never-ending rant of trying to discredit anyone who knows a subject more than you, and it boils your blood when they have the credentials to back it up.

I’ve taught hundreds of 18-25 year olds chemistry, and you are far from the genius-wanting-to-learn student. You fit more into the know-it-all that really never learns much besides what Google gives you because no individual human teaching you is good enough for you. Special Batz indeed.


That’s a total lie once again. You are projecting your own attitude onto me. I asked you a question and you refused to answer and now you’re pretending you’re wanting to teach me Chemistry. That’s a complete load of garbage. You’re just trying to save face. You know nothing about Chemistry and couldn’t teach me if you wanted to. I asked you a simple question about diluting vinegar with water and you STILL haven’t answered.

You can’t have your cake and eat it to.

I answered your past chemistry questions. It will never end. You will never be satisfied. Climb back into your miserable hole where you think reality has you the expert in everything, people make accounts just to mess with you because you are the center of the universe, and where you can do no wrong.

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We went from “I want to teach you chemistry” to “I don’t want to teach you chemistry” really fast, didn’t we?

Please stop with the lying. It’s just nauseating.

The person asking questions about a topic: “HeS PrEtEnDiNg tO Be An ExPeRt!”

The person refusing to answer the questions, while claiming to be an expert in that area: “I Am NoThInG BuT VirTouS SaInT WhO WanTs To HelP YoU!”

Anesthetic’s “logic” really is a dumpster fire. The clown who refuses to help someone else also claims he wants to help someone else. Get a load of that absolute trash.

If you actually cared about teaching other people, then you’d do what I did with Mercurial. He couldn’t answer a question, so I helped him out by breaking the question down for him:

^ THIS ^ is how you prove you know what you are talking about, while ALSO helping someone else. Lying about having a degree in Chemistry while doing personal attacks at a person asking you a question about Chemistry, while claiming to be wanting to help that person yet refusing to answer his questions, is frankly psychotic.

That is so rich coming from you.


Hey thrasher you should stop simping over livibee. There’s a 0% chance it ever happens.

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LOL, now Goba is…thrasher. This clown is having a psychotic episode.