"It doesn't mean you are smart" - Dr. Richard Haier

Like many people he was rubbed the wrong way by being endlessly obliterated anytime he attempted a real debate, so he gave up attempting real debates. It infuriates people that no matter which side of the debate I take, I can run circles around them and make them look like clowns. You can see that in this thread. Example:

He’s wrong by the way. I posted a thread claiming SC2 and IQ are positively correlated like 2 weeks ago. Lmao.

Goba used to champion me as the hero of Battle.net since I defended Protoss so adamantly. Now he never stops calling me a clown because there is absolutely no way he can compete against my criticisms of Protoss. Compare:

The winds are always shifting but one thing remains constant: tEhbAtZ always wins the debate.