Is there anyone knows, when could we play next commander?

There has been 0 hints for a new commander ever. Co-op has been running out of steam for a while, this might be the end of new content.

There is still plenty of potential in Co Op. Many wanted Commanders are still left; Selendis, Tosh, Overmind, etc.

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Wait… what would be the difference between “not skip implementing”, vs. “stop making”?

AFAIK, that’s never been a basis. Granted, I did speculate that we’d have even representation across all 3 races. However, there was one time when Dehaka came out, we had 5 Zerg (Stetmann would be the 6th) and 5 Protoss (Zeratul would be the 6th), but only 3 Terran (Raynor, Swann, Nova).

Here, in theory, if we were to have 21, 24, or even 27 COs, they could just as easily shift the boxes around as needed. Either make them thinner if they 'd like to keep them on 2 rows, or simply create a third row. From old YouTube videos back when Coop only had 7 COs, they filled 2 rows but were quite big.

well, there is a special mutation for the 10th anniversary. I hope that there’s more, however, I have low expectations.

If they don’t make a commander this year, it’s because they are done making commanders, there is no “skipping this year”


I think AT LEAST one last commander they will do, since Protoss have 1 commander less then the other races.

Actually, there are 6 commanders in each faction so that’s total of 18.

I really hope to play as Overmind. But there are strong candidates like, Iszha and Niadra. Blizzard can surprise us by introducing another candidate, Naktul or even Nafash.

Tosh and Selendis are very highly demanded. I’m guessing we will get those… maybe even Overmind.

4-Han & Horner



yhea, you’r right. I remembered wrong. Well, if they actually release a commander for the 10th anniversary, that mean we will have at least 2 others commanders (IF they will do that)

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Maybe they’ll release 3 more at once! Whooooooooo :partying_face:


As much that would be fantastic, that is impossible.
besides I am wishing for map releases.
18 commanders and 15 maps, would be good to match up the numbers.


Yeah, I was acutely aware of this since I would buy/level them up in-breadth by race. For the final one, we were short one Terran, so Alarak and Dehaka rounded out all of them when Mengsk got released at that point, rounding the roster out.


I’d like to see a CO who can call upon the assets of other COs. I was thinking Kate Lockwell here (with a reporting mechanic), but with Donny Vermillion being in the latest Warchest comic, he could possibly be a candidate for that as well. The CO itself isn’t necessarily important, just the mechanic. I’m guessing it’d be more difficult to implement (and unpopular opinion, go ahead and charge $10 for all I care). However, if they could pull it off, it’d have the bonus of advertising the other COs.

Terrans have a lot more interesting and important characters then Donny Vermillion.
Tosh, Valerian, Warfield, Hanson.
All of them deserve more to be a commander then Vermillion.


While Tosh is my most wanted Terran; Valerian has a lot of fun potential. He could warp in units via Terran Pylon (like in Legacy of the Void prologue). He could also get Umojan units (I want Umojan Marines and Ghosts).

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No arguments there, but that doesn’t change my request. It’d be neat if there was a CO who could be a sort of “wild card” that can draw upon other COs’ abilities. It doesn’t even have to be Terran. I’ve been suggesting Kate Lockwell b/c she was an awesome addition in the WoL campaign is all. She’s not as likely to be a candidate for a new CO, but one can still dream.

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