Is there aniway in which we could implement The Apocalisk?

So, has anyone played Stukov on Coop ?

Is there any concievable way in which we could implement The Apocalisk ?

Even if its a crazy idea like having 6 Ultralisks fight each other alla Dehaka and then Abduct a Thor and Armor it :slight_smile:

Would it be too OP ? i think there could be a way …

Select 6 Ultralisks, and fight each other, a coccon forms, that coccon has an abduct abilitie, if a Thor gets abducted, The Apocalisk is born …

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well considering there is no game development anymore, that would be an absolute no. right now were lucky the servers are still on so we can play. the games on life support. quit asking for changes, they will never happen.

But the Apocalisk is already developed tho …

Could they? Sure. Will they. Not a chance. Multiplayer is competitive, which means big dumb “kill everything” units like the apocalisk have no place.


It could be used to defeat some lame Terran turtles…

And its not like it cannot die still …

yeah it has 3000 hp, 8 armor, 100 dps, flamethrower, burrow charge, and air missiles (LOL). But having to use 6 ultras and abduct a Thor is a very high task (if you are able to do that, youve basically won already)…

You have Vipers for that. It’s simply a matter of using the tools you already have.

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Yeah with turrets everywhere … and ghosts. I can take the whole map. But i know in signing for a 40+ minutes game