Is there a free software remake?

Hi guys. I am a long time Warcraft 3 mod maker. Because of the Reforged making it harder to make my mod, I used the Warcraft 3 modding tools and information published online to make a free software emulator of Warcraft 3 that runs on LibGDX game engine without the Blizzard code at all, so I can just play the game in my own uncanny valley remake. It has a ton of bugs (worse than Reforged) since it is an emulator made from nothing, but it is still decently fun:

So, I was wondering if anybody had done this same type of project but for Starcraft 2 to make a FOSS version of Starcraft 2 that would work on my FSF-endorsed GNU computer. I figured that with Microsoft taking over it’s a good time to jump ship from Windows to avoid monolithic power in the hands of a few.

But when I jump ship to linux libre, it doesn’t have a Starcraft 2 emulator on it (and it doesn’t have wine because that would include non-free binaries). So I was curious if anybody had something like that.

Thanks guys, happy gaming!

While I agree in general with the FSF’s concerns about privacy, the GNU philosophy; copy-left, hyper-purity, zealous religiosity; is somewhere between questionable and draconian but at least understandable when it comes to programs that serve a solely utilitarian purpose (i.e. word processors), but when you enter the domain of art, it is both depressing and incoherent.
For example, the Open Source Game Clones site ( is sad and rather disgraceful. The very idea of needing to create a knockoff version of a video game because it is considered somehow unethical to play the original except for the purpose of creating said knockoff demeans video games as a medium.

While, I enjoy creating and contributing to open source projects, I avoid GPL/AGPL/LGPL3/ like the plague. When I open source a project, I want anyone to be able to use it, contribute if they wish, and provide feedback and suggestions. I am not interested in joining or propagating a transitive cult.