I’ve noticed that it was when I was on Stetmann P1, and the m-Hydra had 0 E-energy
You sure you saw the missiles? They do have AA if I recall, it’s just that this upgrade replaces its AA with the more powerful and farther ranged missiles.
Definitely don’t think this works without energy as I’ve definitely been punished by anti-light air when I haven’t paid attention to the energy of my Hydras.
If the hydra is out of energy it will shoot short missiles the real Erudition Missiles are long and larger. (that’s what she said)
They shoot it even without Egonergy, BUT if this is the case they don’t deal additional damage that can be dealt with consumtion of Egonergy.
This is probably it then. I just assumed they revert to spine needles as their default AA, but it seems they work more like Goliaths with distinct AA for both.
So the mouseover text won’t update the damage when they run out of Egonergy? For lv2, I got…
8 dmg
12 dmg vs. Armored
2 attacks
Range: 9
0.83 attk speed
Air only
… and this is whether or not they were expending Egonergy or not
The major damage comes from Juiced Up Payload, which operates with Egonergy.
I’m guessing you’ve already checked, and the text doesn’t update. Not that I would have expected it to. The ability doubled your AA damage with Egonergy cost on each cast.
So when you have 0 purply energy, you simply don’t deal the additional damage. Seems pretty straight forward to me?
OMG, I just realised that Hydras still using their normal attacks (Mecha Bone Spines or something) while also shooting Erudition missiles on Air targets.
And yeah, tooltip shows damage for attacks boosted with Egonergy. When Egonergy is 0 or boosted attacks are manually disabled it’s half of that, tested on my Overlords.
So does anybody remember know what the actual values are supposed to be? With actual Egonergy, is it just doubled the mouse over values?
I know with Fenix P2, the regular (non-champion) units never had their attack damage values updated, so you would have to halve what you see there.
There was a button for the unit that I never noticed until now that says it does +100% damage, but yeah, I do wish they would update the mouse over damage values in real time.
Thanks for the posts as always!
So let me get this straight. When attacking air. Mech Hydras will fire both spines and Erudition Missiles? And if they have egonergy those missiles will be the one to get the double damage buff?
The unit stats tool doesn’t show it, but the spines are air+ground and the missiles air only. From testing I’m seeing both attacks simultaneously.
Yes. Though it can be turned off to save egonergy.
The Erudition Missiles upgrade adds the extra air attack but it has identical range to the spines. The Tyr-Class Targeting System upgrade increases the missile range by 3.
Nice. I haven’t even noticed that after playing with Stetmann all the way up to maxed P3. No wonder his hydras melt anything in the air.
I’ve noticed other players do this awhile back… any objective that can be hit by AA, gather m-Hydras around, switch to purple/J.U.I.C.E. config, and they’ll take it down quite swiftly.
Includes but not limited to: Suppression Towers (Malw), Void Slivers (SoA), Void Shards (RtK), Mobius Hybrid (P&P), Void Thrashers (VT), Pirate Ship (RtK), and Slayn Elemental (CoA, although switching to blue zone helps your hydras dodge Solarite “shotgun” blasts)
A similar concept applies to other units that can have simultaneous ground and air attacks (goliaths/strike goliaths) when attacking objectives that are ground and air attackable.
Do strike Goliath’s get the simultaneous attack ability?
They do not; I misremembered.