Is 140 pounds bench decent for 170 pounds?

I can do about 3 reps each time … is this weight viable for 170 pounds? or should i do more [i am already in pain]

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Less weight more regularly is better for supporting muscle growth.

You can use strength calculator for that. It will tell you that its between beginner and novice. I would say decent bench press is around 1 time your bodyweight which means you should be able to do 1 rep of 170 lbs.

Since you are rather at the beginning of your workout journy you should indeed rather go for more repetitions at lower weight to a) lower your risk of injury, b) to first get a better muscle mind connection (your body and your brain need to exactly KNOW what they are supposed to do in that situation, so better train it often and properly) c) train in a way that makes progressive overload more viable (you need to push yourself a little bit harder each time you workout so your body gets a stimulus for growth; you wont really get it if you are a beginner and go for 3 reps and will certainly fail the 4th rep, even after 2 weeks of training. if you go for 8 reps you might get the 9th rep after 2 weeks of training)

But yeah, you need to use both: high rep count low weight and low rep count and high weight at some point of your training since your body needs to adjust to new stimulus/higher weights. Be confident in yourself. I think i trained for too long with lighter weights and it would have been better if i trusted in myself and went for higher weights earlier.

Dont go too often to the gym. Quality beats quantity and you need good sleep and rest to build muscle, but you need to go to the gym like at least 2 to 3 times in a week.

Also very very important: dont forget protein! I honestly cant tell how important it is for beginners, but my gym buddy refused to take extra protein for about 4 years of training. He plateaued hard and i told him to just get more protein. He did and he nearly instantly exploded. Suddenly he made huge progress again. Its suggested to get 1g of protein per kg bodyweight meaning like 0.5 g of protein per lbs or something like that for physical very active people.

But i honestly dont know why you would go to sc2 bnet forum for fitness tips 0o


Working out is fine long as you don’t hurt yourself.

170 pounds is quite expensive, you shouldn’t really have to pay more than 100.

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im up to 170 drinking 170 grams of protein a day slash eating mostly from shakes tho i can even do 180 on my 1 lift tests but i can do 3 reps with 170 my growth is massive and it makes me feel like a better person and sc2 player i suggest everyone that is on these forums to not only better your game IN GAME but out of game it really all comes together you can be good at sc2 if you are unhealthy but if you were healthy you would be a god! have a good day yall

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Are you a female? Have anyone told you that I have beautiful eyes behind these sunglasses? Call me babe.

Dude, it’s your journey! Just keep progressing and track your own progress. I started out at 120 lbs soaking wet 7 years ago and I didn’t gain any satisfaction from my own progress until I stopped asking these types of questions. Look at where YOU have come from. That will show you how to properly track your progress and regard your achievements!

Best of luck in the gym brother!

the objective of lifting shouldnt be a goal. you should lift with a purpose otherwise you will lose those gains. think about it like this, if it becomes a goal, soon as you achieve the goal what is to keep you going without setting an even bigger goal? then you end up looking like a ret*rd.

I am 140 lbs and I do a 3-4x sets of 8-10 reps at 240lbs. This isn’t strength training, either: it’s endurance training. I’d be wary of any advice you receive unless they are willing to post an upper bod pic to prove they know what they are talking about first.

I am speaking of wide grip bench press, by the way. If dumbbell, then I only do 90 lbs per arm. Dumbbell is much harder.

There are slow and fast twitch muscle fibers. Higher reps trains the slow twitch fibers and lower reps (higher weight) trains the fast twitch fibers.

A better way is to find out what your 1 rep max is and operate at about 80% of that. Do a couple of light warm ups and then add weight until you can only do 1 rep. Do it with a spotter, obviously.

You need 1 gram of protein per lb of muscle growth. If you are good at what you do then it’s reasonable to gain 1 lb every other week. In 1 scoop of whey protein you are eating 20x the amount of protein needed to build the muscle. It’s a common misconception that you need lots of protein for muscle growth. What high protein diets do is they reduce bodyfat. Protein is harder for your body to process to 1 cal of protein is <1 cal in available energy. It’s also keto compatible and keto is by far the best way to cut body fat. That’s why body builders drink 20 egg whites for breakfast. It’s not because they need the protein for muscle growth.

If anything, the supplement you want to add on is creatine & caffeine. Creatine is highly effective for strength training in particular and caffeine helps with energy levels during workouts & diet management. I find if I have >100mg in my system then it deletes my appetite.

If you do keto, you eat cottage cheese, eggs, avocados, lots of whey, lean meats such as steak, etc. You also eat a lot of sugar free jello and sugar free slurpies. I have a Ninja blender on my kitchen counter with sugar free torani syrup bottles to flavor it. Once a week you treat yourself to a big bowl of icecream to prevent your body from entering starvation mode. If you don’t feel like cooking then you go down to Ruby River and buy a big t-bone steak. Also, sugar free nut butter is great. You can get cashew butter for example.

Bacon technically works too but should be avoided in favor of lean meats like turkey or tuna. I call them the “tee-tee’s”. TT’s aka turkey and tuna. Oiled tuna is fine but oil free is better. Just pop open a can and start spooning it into your mouth.

If you have to eat carbs then eat things like celery or arugula or cucumbers. Also, avoid vegan / vegetarian nonsense at all costs. “I am saving the planet” – no you are not, you are falling victim to a marketing campaign that gets you to buy products you don’t need. Imagine letting some marketing department decide what you eat because it triggers your fe-fe’s lmao.

To be honest, no, it’s not great. When I was 13 I recall being able to push 225 for 8 reps.

If you’re looking to improve strength, it’s a slightly different protocol than for size. You’re looking to maximize 2 things: first is CNS recruitment (all muscle fibers are either firing or not, they don’t contract by 50%, so the more muscle fibers firing, the more force production) and the second is myofibril muscle size (these are the actual contractile tissue – bodybuilders are huge but kind of weak and it’s because these fibers are far smaller).

To do this, I’m giving you the old Westside Barbell program (roughly):

Day 1 (Monday, Heavy day)
Bench Press 5x3-5 80% of 1RM (I’d place your 1RM at about 150, so 80% of that is 120)
Never go to failure, as Pavel Tsatouline likes to say, don’t train your muscles to failure, train them to success

Day 2 (Thursday; Speed Day)
Bench Press 6x2-4 60% of 1RM (or 90lbs in your case); I want you lifting as fast as possible.

Good luck

Man. Why would you lie about that on the Internet on bnet Forum ? This is Just Sad. 225 lbs alone for 1 Rep is world record for a 13 year old. Going for 8 Reps is at least 260 lbs and therefore definetly world record.

225kg on mars is ez.

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Wow, I make you reall insecure, don’t I? I was a strong kid, but not even the strongest at my high school, much less on the planet. Go find some other father figure you can bug, you bore me.

Edit: Jus tlooked up the records for powerlifting (unequipped). 17 year old kid pushed 160 (330lb) at a bodyweight of just over 100 lbs… a full 60 lbs lighter than I was. Of course, maturity matters, but you’re talking someone with 2/3rds of my bodyweight and this is a powerlift, not a gym lift (which is far more strict).

Again, go bother someone else.

And a 13 year old? As i said i looked up the record too and for a 13 year old 225 lbs is world record. Then you followed it up with “not even the strongest at my high school, much less on the planet”. Give me a break from your bs. Who cares about 17 year old? Why did you look up a record for a 17 year old?

I think you are the insecure one for stating you have done world record lifts for reps when you were young :smiley: Stop lying man.

Can confirm.

Free climbing is fun. Southern utah is like mars on earth and has tons of climbing. I picked a random trail in a random city and found climbing bolts. Good thing I brought my climbing gear.

First, post it. Second, why are you following me from post to post commenting on my life? I wasn’t address you, young lady.

Did I mis-remember? potentiall? Maybe I was 14? This was nearly 3 decades ago. Why does this bother you? You’re being quite pathetic.

Because you are stating completly bs Things and this should be called Out.

Dont you think Things that are pretty much Impossible should be called Out ?

You are one of the Quora Guys:

www. quora .com/Im-13-years-old-and-I-can-bench-press-405-pounds-for-reps-Is-that-good-I-weigh-120-pounds-73-and-have-been-lifting-for-2-months

This is Just sad.

The meat of my post was giving this kid advice. You’re too much of a little girl to simply call me out on my inaccuracy. Here’s the truth. I don’t remember exactly how old I was when I first hit 225. That’s what happens when 2 and a half decades pass.

See that? I admit when I was wrong (you know, like you refuse to do with… everything?).

Why don’t we do this: stop following me around like a lost puppy. I don’t want to be your daddy.

Let’s hear your numbers?

Why are my Numbers important ? This has nothing to do with the topic. Normal anyone Cares.

Yes. You can do that without lying. Also hes an adult.

Hitting 225 is Not really difficult for an adult. I mean its Not completly easy but comfortable achieveable If you are dedicated. If you Said you were 17 or 18 when you Hit it i wouldnt have Double checked. But hitting 225 for Reps at 13 is world class