Infestors can permanently steal Changelings

Infestors can steal un-morphed Changelings. They permanently switch sides.

video by feardragon:

Since Changeling morph is creating a new unit and copying its timed life, it is not possible to transfer the Neural Parasite’s persistent effect over.

Fix ideas

There are a few options to handle this:

  • return ownership back to the original owner after morph => neural is wasted
  • prevent neural parasite on un-morphed Changelings => rule not clear to the player
  • prevent morph of neuraled Changelings => neural has a purpose, no odd behavior except for missing morph

To me, #3 looks like the best option (less drawbacks and very simple to implement).

Fix #3 (prevent morph of neuraled Changelings)

    <CBehaviorBuff id="ChangelingDisguiseEx3">
        <DisableValidatorArray value="IsNotNeuralParasited"/>

Test Map with above Fix:

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