Infested terran ability was removed for good reasons:
-was able to stack, so made mass Infestor boring (1 dimensional) style the best tactic to use the spell
-was effecitve literally against every army comp
-defended the caster infestors, so it was free to spam
Now I have a way different, much more specialized idea, what could work without spamming it, and could be much easier to counter, but could garantee some new ways to solve some very special situations. So would have non of the above mentioned problems of the old version of the skill.
New Infested terran: Infestor put down an egg near to itself, and connect to it with Neural Parasite. One marauder hatching from the egg with Concussive Shells upgrade and the zerg’s armor, range attack upgrades, stim is always active on it without decreasing HP. It recieves all of the downsites of the Neural Parasite: the range restriction and the Marauder dies if the infestor is being killed.
This new skill would be effective against armored ground units, so it would open new ways for zerg to face them, without the need of enclose them with Zerglings. It would also help to defend Chargelots, Stalkers, Colossi, Ultralisks, Roach rushes, Hellbet defended Siege tanks and Viking defended Thors against Viper abducts.
But it would be absolutly defendless against air units, much less firepower against light units than the old version of the skill, could be defended by attacking to the back and killing the Infestors, and wouldn’t be free value, because you would own much less infested units, and for using stim effectively you should micro them hardly.
I think it would add these and maybe so other new startegies, but would be much weaker, way less spammy, than the older version. Overall it would give new viable strategies in some situations.