Increased Creep Radius Blocking Allied Expo In Team Games

Who’s idea was this? Half the 4v4 maps have a spot where if a zerg expos they block an adjacent allied expo, also I’m sick of having creep like 2 supply depots from my townhall, wtf…


the creep spread was decreased 2 balance patchs ago, then increased back to the original creep spread (that its always been) last balance patch. the problem is not the creep spread but the poor map choices for 4v4 this season. they are the only ones that have this problem on the 2 maps that this happens. this is because those two maps were from really early version of the game when creep spread was no where near what it is now. simple fix dont let the zerg take those expos, make a protoss or terran take them.

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Sight range was increased to match the external radius of creep on hatcheries → hives. This was then subsequently undone when they increased the creep radius on hatcheries by 1. For some reason.

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