In Game User Problems

I’ve been playing the Europe Server for awhile, and i’ve met a couple of users on there…

They keep harassing me… 1 guy had a user name and i blocked it… but he was using a VPN… and kept messaging me with the same username… after i blocked it a few times… he logged into 4 other accounts… and he kept telling the chat i was a Noob, Crybaby, and A few other Negative things…

I tried to go on the battle net website, and report a player for “player conduct and behavior”

But whenever i try to submit a ticket… the only thing it tells me to do is Delete my Account…

Now i’m trying to find someone who can help me… deal with this user… i have all his names in a document for reference… but i’ve tried 3 different times to report him and it’s not letting me submit a ticket about this stuff…

I just don’t know what to do… i’m not making any of this up, but if i can’t submit a ticket… how can i get in touch with the Staff to look into this matter ?

reports dont work, your out of luck best you can do is plain old ignore him and stop letting words typed on a screen hurt your ego.

they don’t hurt my Ego, people that i play with, won’t play the game they just idle, refuse to do the bonus or any mission objectives…

Whenever i play co op… i get called a Noob, Moron, Loser, and other names far worse … just because i question in game logics?

When i try to report them… everyone supports them, and gangs up and attacks me, I tried reaching Microsoft or whoever owns this game, but nobody will get back to me…

Why play a game, if all you’re gonna do is be toxic, and harass players… you wouldn’t do that irl… why do it online ?

I just don’t understand this Younger Generation… I guess being Toxic… is all that matters… and People with Decent Values, are no longer welcomed in the Gaming world… is what i’m guessing…

I don’t harass people, call people names, and bail the moment a game starts up, and all i get in return is Harassed, and Hated for it… so i don’t really Understand… the concept of gaming if it’s all about Being Toxic…

I don’t think any Decent Players exist… anymore… from what i’ve seen online

It’s really sad… because people with Sympathy, Kindness, and Respect, are not welcomed in the gaming community, and when you try to tell other’s it’s okay to be Nice and friendly, you get ganged up on, and treated like a criminal…

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dude your acting foolish here, its pretty simple block the people and then ignore them if that dont work. no one wants to here you cry about it on the forums, and reporting people dont work whatsoever. gl hf

You support this behavior… i’m only telling you what happened when i was in the general chat…

I also just got out of a match, where the guy killed my entire base, and we lost the match…

Lemme guess i’m a Cuck… because this kind of behavior is allowed and supported in the game…

I regret buying this game… it’s nothing but toxic trolls and half the forums support them… so i dont’ even know why i’m replying… But I’m gonna keep trying to contact the game Developers, and see if they can help…

Because… this kind of behavior is pretty sad… Do Women, And Men support this stuff… because i treat everyone with respect, and all i get is taken Advantage of, and laughed at…

I guess i don’t belong in this game… cuz i want to report actual situations that are happening, while the rest of you just sit back, eat popcorn, and laugh at me…

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yep got my popcorn right here.

ps, if general chat is the problem turn it off simple and easier to do than coming here to the forums to look foolish.

You’re not impressing anyone, by supporting teh Haters, Harassers and Trollers

Also i have a in game match replay, in my replays to show you who the person is who destroyed my base, causing us to lose the mission, if you really think i’m making this all up…

Problem is… I just dunno how to upload a replay, to a forum, for people to view it…

I just don’t understand why People, support Negative Behavior, or Kindness, respect, and Friendliness…

From what i’ve seen online… Nobody cares, nor do they want to be Nice to others…

I know life sucks, but toxicity, and immaturity, and negativity is just too much now a days… why do you support players who cause harm to other’s

You do realize people have Emotions, and Can get their Feelings Hurt… especially online

Do you really think you’re gonna be a better person, by causing problems, hurting other’s, Making fun of other’s skill levels, and just supporting Negativity?

I don’t support it… and majority of people just ignore me, or pay no attention so i dunno what i’m doing wrong… but i’m not gonna become a Troll, and Laugh at someone cuz they struggle in a video game…

Treating people with respect, over… Being Negative, shows how Mature, someone is… but as i said, from what i’ve seen online… nobody has any common sense, or respect, it saddens me to realize… good people, are dying out… and the Ignorant one’s are pretty much running the shows…

I can’t fix anything, or change the world because nobody… agrees with me, or has the same issues i’m describing… so… it’s me against the world… with this game situation…

I might just take a few months off because i’m tired of reporting, and asking Staff to get back to me… when not 1 of them cares about the well being of others…

Games were suppose to be fun, but now a days… it’s all about Fame, Harassment, and Hatred of others… and nobody seems to see the harm that’s doing to players…really sad… but like i said… Nobody cares

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