In game purchases

Hello I cannot purchase coop heroes in-game in StarCraft 2 the button just doesnt exist for me. I have purchased some through the battlenet launcher but not all heroes are available there please advise as to how I can get my in game purchase button back. I dont have parental restrictions

go to the main store page on there website.

the store I see on the website for sc2 does not have the commanders I want, maybe I am looking at the wrong thing but I see no Karax & vorazun

In order to get Karax and Vorazun (and Swann and Zagara) from the webstore, you need to purchase the Campaign Collection. They aren’t available separately there.

Thanks for the info but that is not the point Ive written to support they told me to write here I literally do not have a purchase button for commanders ingame

again as you were told go to the main store website and buy them there.

Again my mate can sepratly purchase Swann/Vorazun/Zagara/Karax from the in game menu however because my Coop tab is missing the purchase option my only way to do it would be to buy the campaign collection because they dont exist in the store (i do not want to waste money on a campaign i have no plans of playing). I dont understand are you a paid actor or something I was told by support to come here for a resolution on something that is clearly broken and instead I get go buy bundle as you were told bro. 10/10

those two sets are strictly through other purchace you can not by them seperately in game either ever, as leviathin already said. they are exlusively through those purchaces ONLY.

What do you not understand about that.

What are you on about you CAN buy those commanders separately IN GAME im playing with an irl friend and he literally bought them in game separately

Some people can buy them separately from inside the game (I can, for example). But for some reason others can’t.

Kikonakles8, based off your Battletag, you appear to be on the EU region, is that right?
Is your friend who can buy in-game also EU?
Are you both in the same country?
Do you both use the same currency?

I’m just asking these to see if there’s a pattern.

Also, just to manage expectations, you were asked to post here to see if someone had a solution, not to definitively find one. The TS forum is primarily player to player assistance. It’s not a contact point with Bliz.

Yes we are in the same country and the same currency. I realize its possible that it wont be fixed I just wanted the issue to be acknowledged and looked into. Thank you

Just to clarify, MVPs are not Bliz employees. But since you did post in the bug report forum, hopefully it will be seen by Bliz at some point.

I understand and I will patiently await for an update