At the moment, me and my friend are having issues republishing our mods. Theirs is an assets mod, while mine is purely .SC2Layout and .galaxy script. However, neither of us have been able to successfully publish them in the past few days.
We’ve discovered the issue caused in the Imports module. I redownloaded my already-published galaxy script mod, and published it without any changes with success. HOWEVER, then I exported the same Imports into a folder then reimported them into editor without any changes. I was met with a Failure to publish. So we suspect there must have been some new changes to how publishing works and what is/isn’t accepted. We understand that it could have been a way to counteract what happened earlier this year.
However, it would be extremely helpful to the modding community to know what exactly makes a publish fail/succeed.
Hi, just want to update you about this issue. This is not a fix, nor has Blizzard Microsoft done anything about it yet.
The problem is the size of your import. We’ve ran a few tests and there’s a treshhold between 130MB and 200MB at which point the Blizzard’s gateway rejects your publishment. I had words that, since Blizzard moved in with Microsoft, the gateway is smaller and doesn’t accept large publishment at once. That does not concern the 315MB limit per account, the issue I’m talking about is entirely their fault on another level of issue.
There is an unfortunate way to fix this and this is bothersome for the modders and for the game itself: you have to divide your imports into sub files, sub publishements, and those file are to become dependencies on your mod/map. In my case, I had, back in the time, a seperate import file for my main mod. Now it became only one of the 3 import files, on which I added 2 dependencies, which the 2 additional files with have the Assets/Textures imports splitted on both. My total of imports goes around 279MB; My best advice would be to split the Assets/textures above everything, as it seems they are the one taking the most space.
I am now also forced to log in everytime I go to the editor, and sadly, that’s gonna be it until we get a fragment of help from Microsoft.
Regarding why republishing your old version works, it’s because when the system detects that your publishment has had no changes compared to the previous version, it doesn’t bother re-uploading it anew and runs a fake upload done over an instant.
Strangest thing is that it applies Only to NA. Not on EU, nor on KR. Been doing some testing and I know that, unless it changes depending on the account, the minimum for the threshold is increased to 154 MB on account of my own testing. For logging into the editor, I don’t seem to need that part, not yet anyhow.
I can conform this, I have an assets file that won’t upload as it is 300mb (fits within 315mb limitation), tried 20 times with no luck, last time it was updated was back in sept 2023. when updating the mod itself, as it is small, did get uploaded. well this is disappointing and inconvenient…
Blizzard we really need you to give attention to this problem.