iMac Pro vs MacBook pro

I have Noticed something weird when playing between my iMac and my wife’s MacBook Pro

2.6 - 6 core i5
24 gb memory
Vega 48 w/ 8gb hbm2 memory

16” MacBook Pro
8 core i9
16 gb memory
Radeon 5700 8gb gddr6 memory

Yeah so on my iMac no limitations I have it on a resolution of 1440p max out settings it plays around 60fps

MacBook Pro same resolution but it is telling me it can’t do reflections or cut scenes on hd and a lot of other settings have to be on high or extreme not ultra.

Anyone know why??

The specs tell me the MacBook Pro has more capable parts yet I’m limited on that machine.


That is interesting. Are both systems using the same OSx version? 10.15.3?
