I genuinely hope that people in decision making positions at blizzard have once and for all come to the conclusion that:
The forums are poisoning the minds of the developers.
It’s an absolute joke to see the changes that are being made. Everything I read in there looks like a stew put together of Diamond and lower league banter.
Wow… Just wow.
Obviously not sick enough of it to take the time to write this.
They should ignore forum suggestions for balance by all means. Full of GM posters (observers) some of which hidden profile. Yet they post like know-it-all while hiding their low league.
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I totally agree. Most of ppl here are zergs, even terran whinners always asking for some nerf to protoss.
Now we have the most OP race that is zerg unbeatable and protoss nerfed to the hell as a lagging race for decades.
Another idea: For the love of it… since they made F2P anyone can post … they need to make league or MMR visible or profile, or opt to disallow posters with no games played/hidden profile to post. FIGHT TROLLING
Trolls here going rampant with hidden profiles
What’s worse is, Protoss never winning is considered “balanced.” So, if Toss were to ever actually win a tournament… MY GOD. Imagine the nerfs that would come if we actually won a game. Mother of god.
^ Actually I think Protoss needs to get some things back, EMP for example had its new upgrade no one asked for but now it’s needed when they buff infestor, while P could get some back.
I cant sympathize much more when ignorants in this forum denied Protoss strength in 2018 and now they expect sympathy
See you in a day or two after you remember you literally have nothing better to do than be here… with us. If it even takes that long lol
The Infestor isn’t getting a “buff” because of EMP.
Technically, most of the changes are net-nerfs (albeit minor ones), particularly against Protoss where the new Infested Terran will be much easier to clean up with Disruptors and Storms, and where Protoss will have a slightly easier time cleaning up Infestors that use Neural Parasite.
^ I know im saying that since they are getting buff, it is good to have new EMP
No idiot.
The Infestor is getting nerfs, mostly based on how much Protoss struggles to clean up Infested Terran during in the PvZ match-up.
The only Infestor change that is even a minor buff in ZvT is that Infestors will get Neural Parasite slightly sooner, so they may be able to use it for Battlecruiser rushes (where Ghosts and the EMP upgrade are never involved); but the range on Neural Parasite is being reduced so that late-game armies will have a much easier time killing the Infestors off.
You call less IT and double stats equal or NERF of what it was previously? Dont let the stats fool you.
Less supply used for free units, while same power, also few extra infestors will fix this (half less ITs) and it it still a buff. How is removing Neural upgrade requirement a slight change?
I happen to agree with Beaqstyq here, if you dont believe me go hear what he says.
and Infestors will be more to get those extra ITs which means better EMP will be good. I know you guys just speak from basic theory what counters what but im saying the battle as it happens for real, you know… from playing and seeing how a battle goes.c Anyway, im too early in testing phase to share impressions.
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No one on here told them to nerf Observers out of the blue, so don’t put that on us.
The fact is that if you are using generic single-target units to fight Infested Terran, the Infested Terran will be cleaned up at such as rate that they deal similar amounts of damage.
If you are using splash damage or Liberators against Infested Terran, then the Infested Terran will usually be cleaned up at a much faster rate.
On top of this, the higher energy cost ensures that there will be cases where Infestors cannot throw out Infested Terran in cases where they could previously.
BS. You are theory-crafting more than MyOhMind on this.
Alright you got me, I havent tried it yet because Im just returning to sc2 soon… But I have to sound like a GM postur like you all. And there’s been no pro games yet to see how it goes. Still, these are my expectations
people called my posts BS on Protoss imba with patch Nov 2017 and SH in HotS but i was right
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Do you honestly think anything said on this forum is taken into consideration when it comes to ballance decissions?
All this forum is stating win rates in attempts to make their own race look weak and the others overpowered to feel better about their own failures on the ladder.
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There are few decent discussions, but yeah doing everything requested by the forum is not good.
Isn’t it time for you to create another team matchmaking complain thread?
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its just the bias zergs and protons that r a promblem the forms r ok 4 all else
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So, in your warped-psyche: because some posters pissed you off by not accepting your delusions, you are OK to let the Protoss Race suffer? It’s a good thing that you freely express your thoughts in this forums for all to see.
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