IF SC 3 ever happens, i would like this for each race TOPIC

So, if Starcraft 3 ever were to happen i would like this above all.

Protoss: 200 Pop max, with automated vespene gaysers like in the campaign (need to be close to nexus) to free up some space for probes and run byes, philosophy, every unit needs to feel OP, kind of the Wing of Liberty design, where Void Rays were OP as hell, Mothership had blackhole, Colossus was OP, etc. (of course, having only 200 POP needs to be even more OP)

Terran: 300 Pop Max, good middle ground between population and strenght, word “resourceful”, adaptability, versatility, not as strong singularily as P, but higher population.

Zerg: 400 Pop Max, Swarmy, swarmy, swarmy, with a few specially powerful units like Ultras and even Omegalisk (one omegalisk could be 30 pop!) and so on, but other races have more than a match to it

Maps would have to be bigger with some bigger units.

Yes, it would be a complete total redesign, but i think would be way more fun than the usual cheese vs cheese, or stagnant macro.

Right now the only fun game is the middle game

What ? Think you cant balance around that? Its perfectly possible yet you just cussing just because without adding value. No worries there are people in love whoae whole existance is to detract and dont add any value your just such a specimen

  1. no development in this game what so ever. The game is on life support. A but load of employees just got laid off, and as far as blizzard is concerned they had absolutely no intention to do sc3. Now whether or not microsoft decides to is a whole different story but given they just laid off alot of people im gonna go with no.

  2. Completely different pop between all three races, yeah thats just plain bad. and thats enough said right there alone.

  3. giving toss automated guyser, but not the other races, yep that’ll fly, just give them free gas, yep so smart. if your gonna do that why not just say give the toss free gas with out mining, no need for the guyser at that point, just let them have it. do you really see how un smart of a decision this is. and top it off you think its gonna free up space for run bys, lmao. your entire protoss suggestion is a straight up joke.

  4. terran is already a good race really nothing needs done with them but a few nerfs to there splash damage units, but all around a good balanced race and you want to completely tweak it just so you look smart.

  5. zerg, oh god where to begin. Oh lets start with omegalisk, this entire suggestion right here alone is the icing on the cake as to why you have such low iq. why, why on gods green earth would you even suggest something like this, oh wait thats right your a fan boy of the appocolypsk, as we all know by your previous thread you made about it.

  6. 400 pop for zerg, you cant be serious. please tell me your just trolling. I play zerg and i can tell you this is absolutely your defining moment of intelligence.

  7. make zerg swarmy…um dude its exactly what zerg is now, holy batman dude. why even say it when its already swarmy, for they are the swarm. come on now you really cant be this low iq.

1.- I Guess you didnt get the clue when i said, “If SC3 ever happens”, dont know what else you need to see that i acknowledge this already…

How would it be bad? its very lore accurate, and it doesnt mean it cant be balanced.

This are design choices, not implementation, there could be an upgrade, Nexus close by, balanced cost, etc. I am giving it for Protoss because Units would be more gas heavy as single units would matter much more, and to free space because of the lower pop cap.

What a tool… this would be a new game, with new units and mechanics and revamps of some existing units… you are comparing apples to oranges.

The apocalisk was trolling… guess you didnt catch it…
The omegalisk on the other hand, you are still thinking on existing units and thinking on SC3 as just more pop with same units as of now… You are not getting it…

If you were to understand that SC3 would be a New Game, made from the ground up with those design decitions, instead of thinking it would just be a port from SC2. Then you would get it, i guess the one with the Low IQ is someone else…

Its nothing like SC1, and you keep talking about low iq, but i guess i have to point it out with details or your brain fries… “Make zerg MORE swarmy”, i guess the “swarmy swarmy, swarmy” was too much to you…

yeah im not sitting here typing out anymore why your suggestion are all completely laughable and why you look like a clown. Im sure there will be alot more people here that will point out your flaws, but since you dont even want listen to counter arguments, really whats the point of bothering to tell you any how.

You didnt gave counter arguments, and you didnt get most of my points, kept talking as if it was just a SC2 port.

As recently as 2018, Bliz overtly stated at their SC Summit that they had no plans or interest in making SC3.

Later in 2020, this was solidified when SC2 (and SCR) abruptly ended development and the majority of Team 1 (comprised of the Classics team, the SC2 team, and most of the Heroes team) was eliminated, meaning no more SC franchise development.

And, although possibly coincidental, the lead Diablo franchise CM made the ladder map update post in the SCR forums last week, instead of the lead RTS CM. It’s not unreasonable to assume that MS cleaned out the straggler RTS staff in the recent layoffs, which could be an insight into MS’s thought process for the SC franchise.

Could it happen? Maybe. However, there’s very little pointing to a SC3. When it comes to a SC3 or not, I assume that the market analyses that Bliz used would be similar to what MS would use, thus a similar conclusion: no go.

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You never know my friend… i acknowledge the difficulty of it tho …

The entire point of the supply costs of units is that this is already accomplished.

Zealots are 2 supply, Marines are 1 supply, and Zerglings are 0.5 supply.

This trend actually continues, though it’s not as clear-cut -

Siege Tanks and Ravagers are 3 supply whereas the Immortal is 4 supply,
Carriers and Battlecruisers are 6 supply where the Brood Lord is 4 supply.

That, directly, is there to create the same effect as having a variable supply maximum.

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It’s interesting you mention that though considering MS has been on record stating multiple times that they’re interested in the RTS genre and SC in general as a franchise - Didn’t they also have a hand in AOE4?

They may be interested, but to what extent, who knows. Maybe they just want to replace everyone with their own people and start from there.

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