Idea for starcraft 3

I already posted the same message on starcraft 2 french forum, but I’m certainly closer to games designer here:
We need a game that revolutionizes RTS, and I have ideas. The first thing to do would be to remove the grids from the plan but make a vector plan.

The levels should be large enough but above all there should be no repetition as with the grid system which makes up the terrain. It would rather be a map a bit like war zone (not as big of course) controlled from above.

What would be nice is to do a multiplayer mode, where some players control the economy, and others control one or a few units but in a 3rd or 1st person view. For example, if we are a sniper, we will stand on a building to carry out attacks from afar. The person(s) who have control of the economy would see the terrain from above and could give alerts of where to attack to coordinate the troops. The other part of the armed units which are not controlled by humans would be controlled by AI.

That’s my idea