Idea for Co-op maps: highscore modes


There are many mods and maps using coop as a base already, sometimes allowing 3 players, sometimes adding commanders and maps, sometimes completely changing the available commanders…
But one issue with those is that they are made by/for extreme difficulty lovers.
So I’ve been wondering if there would be a way to request a decreased difficulty without disgusting the map/mod makers.

And, like many before, I found an original idea completely copied on things from the past: Highscores.

The maps would have those properties:

  • Instead of ending past a certain point, a “you win” button become available
  • Primary objectives and secondary objectives are modified to grant a score bonus, but won’t cause a game over.
  • Attacks waves are weakened and/or replaced by Defense/Reconstruction waves (allowing more points to be gained for the score
  • The map would forcefully end in victory after 6 hours (to avoid the engine time limit), with bonus points for the hardcore players that actually go for it lol
  • When the map end in victory (which should always be the case), another map should be loaded that give stats that allow people to boast: score, average score (score divided by map duration), bonus points gained, or who know what

That’s the basic idea, maybe I didn’t manage to extract everything needed for my brain, but it’s a starting point.
Hopefully the people making those incredible coop maps/mods do visit the forums once in a while, or they can hear about what’s in there, or there are people that could show the same amount of skill as them lurking around (I know it’s not my case sadly)

In order to bring such an update, SC 3 must be such that it will never be released. Maybe he can bring something like that. I liked your suggestion very well.

My message target mod makers and map makers.
I don’t expect a patch or anything official considering the details.
Well maybe some vultures developing other games and looking for ideas could pick them up too lol.

There are coop missions with three players? (I mean similar to the co-op mode only with three instead of two)