Idea for a starcraft 2 unit, hissling

Alright I came up with a new idea for a starcraft 2 unit. It’s called a hissling. It’s like a :snake: zergling thing. It like radiates poison or something. Or it burrows into the brains of other people and controls them? Or it sheds It’s skin and grows creep. It’s called a hissling because that’s what snakes do, they hiss. Also maybe it tempts people into eating an apple. There could be a special apple on the map, or even multiple apples, there could be like watch towers or something, and if a hissling tempts you into eating an apple then you lose control of the tower. Anybody think of this before? Anybody else have any other ideas?

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For those that read the SC1 manual before the concept got retconned, that is basically a “true zerg”.

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Já myslím že by, to hře přidalo skutečnosti.
A nějaké nové věže, já myslím, že, by ty věže, měly mít větší vliv.
Například několik jednotek zdarma, třeba základní ho typu.

Taky mně napadlo, že by u některých map, by mohly bít podzemní prostory, jako v misích v StarCraft 1.