I would've liked to see air units use Omega Worms

The idea seems silly, but Omega Worms weren’t that far off the mark either.

And you can do things like have Tychus Medivac air units (MC by Vega), or Nova can Griffin Transport to ferry around her air units in an instant

It would also be nice if most zerg commanders had some variety of the nydus worm. I don’t thinnk dehaka needs one due to his numerous ways of getting area around and summons.

I mean the worm could just spit them out like how it’s done in the heart of the swarm campaign but for those exhaust pipes.

Do they really need it? It feels like we can harken back to “not everybody needs everything”.

And there’s only so many ways you can vary them. I’ve tried Nydus Worms, and they’re just subpar. Perhaps making 1, at best. The thing is, his (and Kerrigan’s before they become Omega) is each worm you propogate costs money (so the building you generate from the worm itself), and takes 25 something seconds to build. For Kerrigan, it’s 0-build time, free, and also a detector. I believe they both spread creep though.

I am all for commanders having a wide associate of units so they can be versatile and have more replay value. They could get really creative with nydus worms for Egon as one example. Nydus worms for Egon could generate stetzones and have a wormhole function like Zeratul’s warp prisms.