I need YOUR help

ok so, i main zerg and i’ve got masters with it. since zerg is the hardest race to play in the game, and people on master league are good, i have been playing a little less than before, because as zerg you actually have to put a lot of effort to win matches vs other players, and i don’t want to put the energy to playing zerg all day, just a few matches a day
so i have some free time in my hands… i want to become master with terran and protoss too. but before going to with protoss, i want to with terran
i need your help to teach me the basics… starcraft pro players researched build orders for nearly a decade… i need one to start with. i want to play a standard macro game, open with reaper (to actually scout and not tryhard micro like some terran players do) then get a few hellions from factory, then go bio with either wm or tanks
i also want to know what is a good timing to get your +1 upgrades, and at what time should i be getting a third base…
i also want to learn the hellion/cyclone style, so when i go to a lose streak i can just play this style and gain hundreds of mmr points with no effort
if anyone could give me tips about tvt and tvp too… i’ve never played these matchups at a league higher than platinum, and due to my mechanical skills i’ll certainly be starting at diamond 3 or even 2, so any tips you people think you could give me, i’ll be very thankful

thank you all


Hahahahahahahahahaha lul lol

Oh. It’s an rbt thread. It seems like he just wants help with Terr- nope he’s just trash talking non-zergs.

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It feel like you didnt get your rank by using your brain. If you spammed all in to get it, stick with Zerg. Terran would be too hard to play.

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ZeRg Is ThE hArDeSt RaCe


Your small Zerg mind could not comprehend Terran build orders and micro requirements. Terran is the hardest race, and requires 500x more micro than Zerg. Not to mention Zerg macro is so forgiving, being able to make multiple units at once

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And Protoss is the hardest-er race, and requires 501x more micro then Zerg.


Terran is the hardest race thats not a debate


Oh, really?

Yes they are. Literally are


No they aren’t. Literally aren’t.

We have some of the most micro rewarding units in the game, like Pheonix, High Templar, Sentries. If we A-move those constantly every game, we will have a winrate of 1%.

As far as I can tell, by your logic, Zerg and Terran are A-move. Every Race has low-micro Units. We just became memes because of it.

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