I know he rants... but maybe there's a reason


He’s beaten 4.5k mmr players with mass marines and mass sentries too. He’s beaten lowko with mass sentries ffs

He’s done X unit to GM series with a ton of units already.

This is just propaganda.


Listen to the bookmark. Not the title.
I’m aware of his stream.

What is it that youre trying to highlight? he’s just crying and spewing propaganda.

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No he is not. He is telling just the crude truth.

ZERG is too strong right now, specially in the late game. And the culprit is infestors that can counter almost everything.


Is he playing games testing the patch on stream?

Protoss and Terran need to unite? After Terrans crapped on Protoss for months?


Universe gets it… Catch all infestor is the main issue with Zerg being too strong right now followed by the nydus. Their casters and ability to remax huge armies of core units instantly is an absurd combo.

The reason he rants is because he is not only a horrifically biased and unfair person, but a very vocal one too.

EDIT: I just watched a bit of his video. He struggled to beat a 4.8k terran player for 25 minutes. He is 6.3k. If anything this proves quite clearly how bad mass infestor is yet he titled his video “Zerg is imba”. He is biased af, case in point.

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The only game where he struggles is the one where the opponent hits him hard before he has Queens or Infestors out.

He wins the rest with relative ease. He is just slow and methodical about it.


Please forgive me, I am not going to take your word for it but I’m also not going to watch the whole video. A 6.3 professional player beating 4.8 casual players means absolutely nothing and if you can’t see that you’re a waste of my time. If Beastie wants to get higher than his usual MMR using infestors, then he can talk.

Yeah go figure, the ex-pro top 3 GM player was able to make a weird build work up to GM.

Now, if someone who first picked up the game was able to do this, you might have a point.

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Then why make false claims about a video that you didn’t watch and waste time with worthless comments?

There is no one on this planet who will start crushing high level players the very first time they pick up a strategy game. They have to at least learn about the game first, and that takes some time.

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And no one on this planet should be surprised that an ex-pro top 3 GM player was able to beat a 4.8k player or get into low GM with a meme build (something he has done with all 3 races). You don’t have a point and Beasty wanted to make clickbait, something you fell for. GGNORE.

Well, his usual MMR is while using lots of infestors along with synergy units, rather than pure mass infestor even when he needs some actual attacking units. If he had an account with his MMR while NEVER making infestors, then you might have a point.

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He consistently beat multiple players with it, not just 1 4.8k player like tehBatz is focused on.

Furthermore, Infestors are a unit that is known to be able to deal with just about everything. Name any unit in the game, Infestors can consistently deal with it and just about any composition that includes it.

A Zerg with mass infestor can beat any player who plays worse than them. Just like a player with mass marine, or mass carrier, or mass Archon, or mass BC, etc. etc. etc. If you’re good enough, you can make almost any build look OP. Just because Beasty got to low GM with a meme build doesn’t mean that build is OP. Sit down kid. And to reiterate:

Because your inability to respond meaningfully to this central point makes me think you can’t read.

I didn’t make a false claim.

a pro… i mean retired pro gamer doing x build to grand master… ok… something that 99% of us couldnt do… whats the point of this except to troll.

i want to see these builds work consistently at grandmaster level


He is catering to a market - the market of terran crybabies. It’s a smart move since all the betas are in search of a new alpha since avilo was banned.

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He’s limiting himself to ONLY infestors (and queens). That obviously makes life a bit harder. The point of this post is what he’s saying, not what he’s doing.

I did actually timestamp that, did it not actually show up for you?