I have just now discovered....disruptors?

What is this unit and what does it do? Is there a reason I never see anyone use it? Is it good? I want to know what ya’ll think about it? Never see it in team games etc.

Its like a maid… you offer to clean oponents house with it

that’s because team games are a move units, not micro units.

team games are a joke and no one good plays them.

disruptor one of protosses hardest units to manage.

Elaborate? What do you mean?


I only use them in co op… i rarely see anyone using them in PVP… atleast from what i’ve seen…

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The Disruptor is a high burst Area of effect spellcaster it has no attack but is fairly durable for a caster. It has one ability that fires a controllable orb that explodes after a set period dealing heavy damage to all units including allied or your own that are inside its area. Disruptors serve as zone control for the protoss army. If your opponent tries to engage you launching disruptor novas will quickly make them back off or regret their life choices. Good disruptor hits can instantly win a game bad ones can cost you everything. They have no attack and their ability has a long cooldown and if they are killed before their nova explodes it won’t deal any damage. This unit is very dangerous but requires good control to be useful. Psi storm may serve you better in some situations as though it has less damage it also doesn’t kill your own army in one hit if you walk into it. Colossus or archons are also very valid splash damage options but the disruptor is by far the highest damage number of any splash damage attack besides the nuke

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my protoss ground build for 4v4s use disruptors. when i get my micro right its a killer. i enjoy using them more then psi storm. unless people know how to spit on the fly or back out of its range fast I can land a few kills with each orb. I found that if you aim the orb behind the enemy lines to where they would start to retreat. then normally its a direct hit. you dont see people use it a lot because most people dont know how to use it. its really good against roaches while psi storm has a longer ttk. its quick and effective and if you have good unit comp then its even better.

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Mass disruptors is seen a lot in 4v4 against teams with no protoss, since mass corrupter/bc/raven prevents skytoss.

Can’t tell you how many times I rapid fired 30+ disruptors into a 4v4 death ball behind the safety of mass rapid fire transfusing queens and roach.

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I have never built one I like easy a move play just watching people use them has me like nah don’t think I want to do that. I treat swarm hosts the same way I just can’t be bothered to click that much to make use of them.

I mean you’re kind of forced to when you play that commander. Your only other choice is to just go without detection