I hate so much terran

No, I really hate Terran the most, I felt the same with Bunny as when ByuL played against Innovation Mech, it does not matter what the other player does, it will never beat and imbalanced race.

You know the sad thing is that these Terran players do not even need to build everything their race has to offer while a Protoss player MUST build everything.

I guarantee you that if Terran players started doing the EMP/Anti-Armor-Interference Matrix combo with Ravens and Ghosts, you will see just how OP Terran really are and how badly imbalanced the game is against Toss.

This combo COMPLETELY invalidates ANYTHING a Protoss player can make which allows the Stimmed A-Move MMM to just mop up with ease.


Lol what was he splitting against? Immortals? Stalkers? How come he didn’t split his units to deny a sentry blocking his ramp? Stutterstepping…oh the humanity!!! Bunny got smashed by a far superior player who had way more builds and skill. Get over yourself.


STOP THE LYING, ITS ENOUGH !!! Stop with the lies, I’m DONE WITH IT !! It’s enough. Protoss is ridiculously op and you know it. Stop abusing your broken race please or at least admit you have a huge advantage. If both players play about equally, both without making much mistake, Protoss wins ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the time. This series is the definite proof. Now Protoss will win GSL YET AGAIN. Disgusting.

Please Mr. Clown, show some dignity. Also Parting lost 4:0 to Dark but you don’t see any Protoss whinning and wailing like you.
If your opponent plays better you have to have the minimal decency as a human being to acknowledge the fact and not search the solution in the alleged OP’nes of your opponent’s race.


Of course since microing with protoss is a challenge for them no wonder they have a hard time sniping, feedbacking and invalidating what you say. You say it as though protoss dont counter when I saw just yesterday how weak Carriers are lol, vs pro player.

I don’t care about PvZ. Zerg is op too. TvP is unwinnable if both players play at a similar level.

:rofl: Unwinnable till terran use bio too late game while against terran a 3 type splash damage units designed to clear wave of cheap units


You guys can a-move your tier 3 units while ours are insanely hard to micro. Even when played well (and that’s hard), tier 3 Terran is terrible and not worth it.

This is just the terran mentality. I guess it makes sense that the training wheel race raises a bunch of babies


What hurts more, removing your head from your :peach:? Or constantly irritated eyes from all those salty tears? Or the pain of knowing when you lose or your favorite terran loses, it’s because the terran player was just worse?


What hurts the most is definitely reading garbage from baboon like you. That stuff gives me brain damage. CAN YOU STOP LYING FOR ONCE ? When a Terran loses, its almost never skill because at a given MMR, the Terran players are better then Protoss. So it’s almost always balance. Man you guys make me want to punch a second hole in my wall. Reading this infuriates me.

Hole in the wall or your head?

It won’t make any difference, it’s an empty place.


You sir are a man of culture

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My life for Aiur.

We suffered once the fall of Aiur to the vile Zerg, not going to let terran repeat that again.

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Please don’t insult other Protoss players.


Learn to use Overpowered Widow Mines.

Learn to use EMP which invalidates all Protoss shields and casters (no storm).

Learn to use Anti-Armor missiles and Interference Matrix (No Colossus, No Disruptors)

Stim A-Move Marines, Marauders and Medivacs right after an EMP/Anti-Armor combo and interference matrix any Colossus and/or Disruptors.

Laugh as you tear through the Protoss army like it wasn’t even there.

GG Protoss.


Where you terran micro? Stutter stepping in face of tier 3 splash damage units like it nothing and their price is usless


Those are the people that instead of siege-unsiege Tanks and WM spend their time “microing” 2 marines, their DPS goes to 400APM but they have nothing to show for that.

Fast fingers can’t compensate the slow neurons in their underdeveloped brains.
