I don't like some of the balance decisions made

Fix thors, everything to do with them.

Fix mines, splash stacking, not make them easier to cloak how in the fna did they get buffed!?

Fix swarm spawn dmg, especially vs buildings.

Fix hydra firing rate, wtf happened there? It was fine, slightly underpowered, but better than 60 food of hydra powering through 3 enemy armies, wtf!?

Fix creeps +1 radius blocking allied bases. (How in the hell this got past anyone with a brain is beyond me, it’s blocking allied expos and bases on half the maps, like I knew when I read it in the patch, the second I read it, and low and behold…

Players don’t get banned for their views on balance. They get banned for breaking the terms of service, such as directly harassing people.

Thors are fine.

Widow Mines depend on stacking to be effective against most units, with only a few exceptions.

The cloaking change was not a buff. Widow Mines went from remaining cloaked with an Armory to requiring an upgrade that requires a tech lab and cannot be started until after the Armory is finished. That change delays cloaking considerably.

That’s a rather significant nerf on its own, but it was paired with nerfs to the splash radius, an alert when it burrows, and a change that makes it much easier to tell which unit the Widow Mine is targeting.

At this point, there really isn’t a reason to complain about Widow Mines, unless you just refuse to learn how to play against them.

Hydralisks don’t attack any faster. They are slightly better at stutter-stepping, but that change would not cause the kind of scenario that you are complaining about. This seems to be another L2P issue.

Creep spread has always been an issue in team games because Zerg depends on spreading it for speed and vision; whereas the other races cannot build on it. This “problem” cannot be fixed either, because allowing the other races to build on creep can potentially cause cannon rushes, bunker rushes, and a few other shenanigans to scale out-of-control in both 1v1 and team games.

The only way to work around creep in team games is to design maps with more than enough space between bases and expansions to accommodate it. This is a map design issue that can only be fixed by altering maps and designing new maps with extra space to account for creep.

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calling people race ist is what will get you banned. enjoy it.


zerocool more like zeroskill tbh

More like Zero Facts !!

Eh, this isn’t exactly true; they buffed the hatcheries’ initial creep radius a little while back, if you remember, and for no actual reason. Initially they increased the hatchery’s vision radius to match the edge of creep (10/11/12 up to a flat 12 for all hatch/lair/hive - 5.0.11) then they buffed the initial creep radius for some reason (12 up to 13 - 5.0.13). This actually directly changed some of the 2v2 maps and your ability to wall off properly with them as a Terran or Protoss, since now the creep actively blocks your ability to wall in some areas.

I have no idea why they increased the creep radius, since it directly contradicted their previous goal of having the vision of the hatchery match the initial creep radius, but they did.

Because the change wasn’t directed at 2v2 or any other team games, just 1v1, which has always been the focus of the balance council.