I didnt quit yet

You can’t silence the truth.

I love the mods, the mods are great. They’d probably call you a girl too.

Good bye to blizzard then. I am that powerful.

Not very powerful if the best you can play in is masters.

Hey Mr Wice Orc,

Good to see you. I recognized your name from when you replied to my YouYube video and you mistakenly took me for a troll when I said that Warsmash is not Warcraft III.

I happened to be reading this thread and I wanted to tell you that I believe a number of the replies you have received in this thread actually are trolls.

Remember to not internalize messages from trolls, as they may have a negative impact on yourself or your world view while at the same time no cost for the person doing the trolling.


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You are one of the good guys here or atleast neutral. Too bad it isnt enought. You dont seem to play even ladder. Today i uninstalled sc2 to give myself more stress free time with videogames. I suppose videogames should be only leisure and not dead serious. My experience with sc2 seems to have failed and it end up negativity even if i tried to approach this game more calm and forgiving than wc3 which i played hardcore.

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I quit SC2 like 3 weeks ago and so far haven’t really had the urge to pick it up. I think half the people on this forum could stand to take a month off and chill.

Im spending today also blizzard free day. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Imagine a day and not to have listen anyone call you a noob :smirk:

Imagine not to have rage after when you lose in rt vs at game :laughing:

noob, why u bother us with urself, quit already

Yeah, you hate being called names so much you come back into a thread you were just being called a girl in. You’re not fooling anyone, pal.